October 22, 2010

I ask you this question do get you out of your thoughts and feelings and over into what you know to be true. What you know right now is huge for you. This is not about your feelings and what might be pulling you down today, but what will bring you up to where I AM. I AM right here with you, in you, dwelling! However, you often run away and hide, or sulk, or get caught up in the junk of the moment trying to defeat you and suddenly you have lost all track of truth around you, surrounding you. You are in ME. I AM all LIGHT at ALL TIMES. Yet you often feel lost in the dark, not reality, but seen. I AM BIGGER than all you see and feel and hear. That is the realm of the sight; what your eyes see and your ears hear. But I dwell beyond, where things are lively and good and true and pure. I dwell there among you and move powerfully on your behalf, orchestrating and forming things in you and through you that if you could see fully would knock you out literally. You would not be able to bear the load of sight that would be yours of My true and worthy KINGDOM coming forth in you, around you and for all My CHILDREN whom I love beyond any words used by you to express what and who I AM. I AM. There is nothing bigger than Me. There is nothing but ME. I AM. GOD! All men seek God and look for Me, but few are finding Me because they look from sight and find Me missing from their point of view. This is not true, but their quest is for things known to them of who I AM. They have not listened or asked Me who I AM. This is the key. I have said to ask and I will tell you wonderful things you didn’t know. I have said to come to Me and seek Me with all your heart and you will find Me. GOD. Everlasting Father, lover of your soul. I made you and know you completely and utterly beyond any descriptions you have of yourself. That is the key to understanding how much you don’t know. I know ALL THINGS, yet have you asked Me? Come to Me. I long for your friendship, your love, your wanting to be with Me as close as possible. Do you not long for this with those you love? See Who do you love? That is the question. Do you love Me more than SELF? Do you love Me more than those given you by Me? I continue to call out to My children–Come! Come home and be with Me. Come home. Isn’t that what everyone is looking for? You look forward to the weekend where home is. It is your safe place in amongst the rush and push and shove of life. You long to get home at night and REST!
I AM REST! I have provided complete, finished, full, wonderful REST in ME–My Son has done the WORK so that you can REST! Do you get it? Do you see what I AM trying to say this day. Everything you seek and long for and race about to find and have is found only in ME. You will forever be on a futile endeavor apart from ME. COME to ME and I will fill you in. I will complete you in all the places you feel empty, lonely, hurt, wounded, down, angry, offended, rejected, defeated. You ARE NOT! I have SAVED you Myself from destruction and brought you new and abundant life promised through My SON! JESUS loves you is the child’s song sung and known–but not! So many of you don’t know Me. You have believed the lies perpetrated about Me and they are false destruction measures to keep you from TRUTH which will set you free to enjoy all that you have ever desired and way beyond what you could ever dream or imagine coming your way. It is all in ME. The one true GOD. JEHOVAH, YHWH. Yes I know all other gods of man, false to lead astray. No god exists but ME. I AM. I have made all things including you. Try Me and see if I AM who I Say that I AM. Call to Me and I will answer you and tell you great and mighty things you want to know and need to know to understand your place in this life and to come. You are one and only one. You are My prize and My joy. I love you and call you to My SELF-GOD loves you.
BELIEVE it! You must believe to receive. You can see that I AM real and know Me and hear ME. I will speak to you. I AM your Father, Your LORD. YOUR KING. I AM coming. I AM drawing all men to My SELF. I hold all the keys and no one takes them from Me. COME and BELIEVE! I desire to walk in you and touch and love and show who I AM through you. We will have fun together as you come with Me and find life more fulfilling than you ever dreamed possible. Come!

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