April 29, 2010

Marvelous is a word that brings to mind good things, powerful things, things not accomplished by your “Self” without Me. This is what I say today. I will do it for you, in you, and through you as you get out of My way in you and let Me do the work. This is the key to all things in the Spirit. Flesh cannot rule with Spirit. War is inevitable and costly for you and everyone else around you. You must stop fighting Me and give Me freedom to do what I desire and find yourself set free in the process. Free to REST from all your labors of the past, in order to be with Me, work with Me and see Me bring about the things Our Father has planned for the earth and all those in it. It is a MARVELOUS plan unfolding, though some things seem amiss to your viewpoint, not Mine.
Trust Me completely in all things. I know this is hard for some of you based on circumstances out of your control; which is the whole point.
Self cannot control. Self must die out to My way no matter how wild or harsh it may sound at the time. This involves radical trust on your part. I know that it is hard at times to follow what I say, but if you will completely Trust Me in all things, you will be continually astounded by the outcomes coming forth in your lives and others around you affected by your choices to obey Me quickly and without argument. This is a new day in the earth and all those who follow Me must move quickly at My every directive. Bless others with your obedience to Me and see that All is Well as I declare each day! There is nothing amiss from Heaven’s viewpoint, so trust Us and love Us and know that we are completely and always looking out for your best interests and Our good which together bring love and grace upon your face. Come. Listen well!

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