June 24, 2010

I have been saying this for centuries, forever I AM! If you say, “I am” you usually mean you are already doing what the person has asked of you. So think about this in relation to Me, GOD of the Universe. I AM. Whatever it is, “I AM!” I Am doing it. I Am working on it. I Am fixing it, restoring it, making it, doing it, speaking it, providing it, giving it, helping it. I AM. Whatever your heart’s need is, I AM. I see and I know. This is where you must trust Me to know more than you do in all things. You can trust Me to be working it out and hearing your heart and doing what I know is best. I do know what is best and that is often the rub with you. You often want something different than what I see and that makes your trust and obedience more glorious for us both. You receive My joy in the outcome when discovered by you. I receive your love through trust in My ways over you. I do all things well. Nothing is ever wrong that I do. It is not possible for Me to error. My very nature is truth and love and because I know all things at all times all things are done well. It is the profound truth that astounds and confounds the wise among themselves. They do not want to belive that I exist because it puts them lower than they themselves perceive. Yes! I see it all and know it all. There’s not one heart unknown to Me. I dwell among you and know all and love all. There’s no one I’m not seeking to help believe in Me and My love for them. I leave no one to themselves. I am there creating them, shaping them, molding them, birthing them with life and breath from Me. They may think themselves in charge, but their life exists because of My will and love and desire for them all. So as them come to Me and discover this truth, abundant life takes shape from moment to moment in My care surrounding them, preserving them, holding them, and moving them with Me as Father deems best. Our course together is set by Him and through Him and all things exists because of Him. We are One, He and I. I AM! We love you. Come and believe and receive all that we say to you this day. Yes! We call you into relationship with Us to be One with Us. God and Man–One! That has been the joy set before Me for all the ages. I seek YOU! Come!

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