July 2, 2013

So who’s the Man of Steel to you, the picture show or ME?  I AM more than you’ll ever know beyond your comprehension.  See ME for who I AM this day, beyond ALL known to man.  So what he does and comprehends falls short of ALL My glory.  I AM GOD and there is no other, it doesn’t matter what you think.  I AM!  I’m here among you, blessing, stealth.  I heal, I save, I do My Father’s will and nothings ever changed in that, we’re ONE and WE love you!  Your pride can keep you far, aloof, afraid to come up close.  But if you’ll cast it off right now and come to ME for help, you’ll find all that you need and more than you could ask.  For I have said it and it’s true, I KNOW ALL THINGS and all answers have for you.  I long to help My children, but very few think of Me, still, where I can speak and be free to help them.  However, I AM Father so I do control and save, for many think they should have died and it was ME who saved.  So whether you believe or not, it really doesn’t matter, for I AM real and I AM GOD and I’m in charge of you.  I keep you breathing till the day already written down, when your last breath here ceases and you exhale–where will that be.  I interceded and pray for you and try to help you see throughout your day and all around you things that speak of ME.  I want you to come home to ME and live with ME up here, and also enjoy life with Me in earth’s strong atmosphere.  I pray and hope and know your choice before it comes to be.  I keep on working all around you, helping you and keeping you and praying that you’ll choose to love ME back and spend eternity with ME.  You choose.  It’s funny all the things man says, he talks of rights to choose.  But the only choice that changes life is what you do with ME.  I AM Jesus and I’m calling you.  Choose ME, choose LIFE, choose HOME.

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Hammer & Nails

June 17, 2013


This book grabs your attention because it’s personal.  As I typed God’s words to me in December 2009 I was blown away by how much He cares about us and He used language and clichés’ common to my era.  At first I thought it was just me getting in the way of His words, but He would clarify and do or say something so profound that I would know immediately it was Him.  Keep typing He’d say.  So on we’d go.

By the end of the book, I just sat back and had no words to explain what I felt.  The book had been done from start to finish in less than 15 days and in plenty of time for Christmas.  We moved at a pace beyond my own ability.  Many of His words would strike me so personally, that I would just sit and stare at the page.  There are others writing similar books and recording His words to us, and they feel the same way.  God is real and He really does love us and wants us.  He’s not mad at us or waiting to bring the hammer down.  The hammer and nails were worn by Jesus for all of us forever.

What still is awesome and amazes me is that it’s been almost 4 years now and when I read a daily entry in the book, it always has fresh new meaning for where my life is right now.  When God speaks to us, His words have life and health in them, according to Proverbs chapter 4.  God is God and knows ALL there is to know.  So He can speak out words of life on to the page as I type for Him, that will still speak 20 years from now at the precise moment needed.  No matter how many years pass, this book has great value.  The book God Calling was written by two listeners almost 2 centuries ago.  It is just as poignant today as when they penned His words to them.

He told me to always have people read their Birth date first; so that is stated in the beginning of the book.  It usually gets people excited and motivated to want to hear more of what He has to say to them.  My hope and prayer is that it excites people to sit down with their own journal and listen, hear, and write what He tells them.

One particularly funny entry for me is March 5.  I heard Him say, “popcorn!”  I thought I was hearing things, but He repeated it and I could almost hear Him laughing and smiling at my reaction.  Here is the excerpt from “When God Speaks…He Says Amazing Things!”

March 5

Popcorn is a pleasure I created for your fun.  Do you like it?  Then enjoy it.  Yes.  Go make popcorn today and have some fun.  You are too serious most days.  Too busy, not My plan.  I love you and love others, yes.  I seek My own, but your life becomes too busy and you wind up like a spool too tight, bound up.  I call you to let go today.  I would often go off alone to be free for moments with Father.  The world has such a vice grip.  Run to Me.  Stay clear.  You can be in the world with Me, but not of it.  There is a huge difference.  I will lead you.  Come follow Me.

His words continue to hit the bulls eye of my heart, mind, will, and emotions.  He knows all there is to know about me and you.  He made us and says that He knows our thoughts BEFORE we think them.  Therefore, HE KNOWS and can speak exactly what is needed; encouragement, strength, love, correction, etc.  July 29 is another example of how much He cares and is looking out for us.

He has a plan and no matter how traumatic life gets, HE is there in the middle of it with us.

July 29

Help is on the way!  Be assured.  I do not leave you orphans.  I supply all your needs according to My riches in glory.  I own all the cows in the earth and they bring great supply.  Unlimited resources are Mine.  So do not fret or cry this day.  Come and find your rest in Me.  I will take care of you.  I have promised and I cannot lie.  My supply is on the way.  Look and listen!  Wait and See!  Be able to receive from Me what I will do for you!  Don’t doubt, only Believe!

All I can say is get the book, keep it where you can grab it for a quick snack for your soul.  He will speak to you. He KNOWS you completely.

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Daily conversations

June 9, 2013

Why is daily prayer and reflection time important to a human being, to me?

I guess if God needed it, then I surely do. Jesus said, “follow Me!”  That’s what I’m trying to do with His help.  So I study the Word and spend time listening and journaling, walking and being alert to His signs and wonders all about me.
In the bible Hebrews 5:7 declares that during the days of Jesus life on the earth he cried out to His Father in heaven with loud tears and cries continually for help to make it through—endure.  This blew my mind the first time I read it.  Jesus was God come down in the flesh, Immanuel, who knew all things and created all things before the foundations of the world were laid.  Yet here it declares that He needed His Father’s help, cried out daily, continually for help. Holy Spirit was in Him and helping Him and He still prayed, talked to God the Father and God the Holy Spirit.


Throughout the gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John who chronicled the life of Jesus from living with Him, they stated over and over that He would go off for time alone with His Father, to sit, reflect, and listen. When Jesus was up on the mountain with Peter and John, talking to Elijah and Moses, Peter got excited and enamored with seeing these patriarchs.  However, God the Father, spoke loudly from heaven declaring to him “THIS is My Beloved Son—Hear Him!”  That tells me that no one’s voice is more important than Jesus’.  Most people are so busy they never give Him the time of day, let alone sit quietly listening and enjoying “being still in His presence and letting Him be God and Father to them!”  For me it’s the most important thing in life.


I’m a wife, a daughter, a mother, and a “Nana!”  I also have a full-time job; which is demanding.  I’m a very task oriented person who has trouble sitting still for very long without noticing something else that needs to be done no matter where I’m at.  So it has been amazing to grow in my friendship with Jesus to the point that I look forward to time set aside to be with Him.  In fact this past weekend, after chores were done I spent time on our sun porch enjoying the wind in the trees, reading His words and letting Him expound on them while I journaling His fresh input. I take my Bible and journal everywhere I go in case I have time to listen.


He calmed the storms in my soul.  He promised to feed His sheep and many don’t know how to think in spiritual terms, not natural.  We are spirit beings.  If you don’t think so, watch someone take their last breath, as I did recently with my Daddy who went home to Jesus in March.  There’s no doubt the person is gone and the body is still there—an empty shell.  Where’d they go?  Their spirit went home to the Lord if they were a believer in Jesus Christ. If not to torment, darkness, and separation as Jesus explained in the story of Lazarus and the rich man.  Jesus said “My Kingdom is not of this world—it’s spirit to Spirit—right now until He returns.  So He calls to my soul and spirit to come and let Him prepare a table, dinner, feast with Him daily. He knows everything coming in my day ahead and can prepare spiritual nourishment for the day ahead and to share with those that will be in my path.

He received what He needed from His Father in heaven through prayer and reflection time alone and so I know that I need it too.  It is absolutely the most important thing in my life beyond all those that I love so dearly, and that is saying a lot more than you can even know.


I challenge you to sit quietly and ask Him to speak to you.  He will.  He is the only God that exists.  He is alive, real, made you and everything else.  He will reveal Himself to you His precious child.  He loves us more than our human hearts can contain.  Seek Him and you will find Him.  Just stop the rat race long enough to listen!  Enjoy!

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Writer For The King Interjects….

May 29, 2013

HI!  I will be working away and HE tells me to go to this blog page so He can speak to you, so that is why I call myself Writer For The King.  You will note in previous blogs that we are also letting you know about a book that HE spoke every word of, printed now for you to enjoy and get to know Him and start listening and writing your own personal words from Him.  Seek Him out because He is waiting and long for you to desire to know Him.  You will not be disappointed with a personal friendship with the King of Kings and God of the Universe.  How cool is that!!!

Categories: Uncategorized.


May 29, 2013

My words are coming forth to anyone who will listen.  It’s MY promise as God and there is no other.  Don’t think this strange or funny, I’ve been shouting it to My kids for centuries, but few have listened.  Joan was one, but few believed.  Yes I speak of her this day as Mine, she is.  Why do you think it strange that I God of the Universe would know you by name.  I have your name inscribed upon the palm of My hand.  You do that with numbers you want to keep.  Why does it sound strange to you?  I AM God and you are so much a part of Me that your name, your face, your very, intricately, perfectly designed by ME DNA bears My name and initials.  You are made in My image, but few have cared enough to find out what I mean by that statement of truth, not fact.  All will know some day, but those who choose to seek Me out can know Me for themselves right now.  Yes.  I AM here and listening and seeing and knowing all that there is to know.  Do you even begin to comprehend what that means to you this very day.  Your life is completely 100 percent known to Me before the foundations of the world were laid.  You cannot disappoint Me because all is done, FINISHED by My Son Jesus is His name.  And yes He is real, exists, and will return at My command soon enough for you to see Him if you desire to believe in Him and let Him lead your life.  He knows everything there is to know about everything.  So that thing that has you stumped right now is known completely to Him and yes, He will tell you what to do and how.  Sounds strange but many live this way 24-7 and have more fun that you could ever imagine because He is joy, love, life, truth, the WAY as He declared to you when He was here and walked the earth.  Come.  Try Him out.  See if WE are not all WE say and more.  We love you.  Yes YOU!  The one reading this right now.  Your frame and name are My design.  Come!


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The writing process

May 27, 2013

The book was prompted out of Christmas gift frustration.  I was asking the Lord to show me what in the world to get our adult children for Christmas in 2009.  I heard the Lord say, “write a devotional book for them.”  I was excited and yet looked at the calendar, it was December 1.  It seemed a daunting task.  However, never underestimate the Lord’s ability to do what He desires.


I came home from work the first night, got my Bible and journal; sat down to write.  Amazingly, I heard “January 1” and the first sentence, “How many days are in the year?”  God began to speak out the whole day, and the next and so on.  I would come home from work sit down and He’d literally pick up right where we’d left off the night before.  I never opened my Bible or journal.  In fact sometimes I would get so caught up in what He was saying, that my own thoughts would get on the page.  He would immediately say, “delete, that’s not My words!”


He finished speaking out the book to me on December 15.  I sat back overwhelmed by His words; who He is. I knew His words were going to encourage my children’s hearts in the future.  His words were going to hit the mark on days of need He knew were coming.  He told me to print 7 at the local university copy center; one for each family member and a friend that He specifically named.  The book was originally called “My Sheep Hear My Voice And Follow Me” with the picture of a lamb on the front.  My friend took her copy as she headed south for Christmas.  She called saying, “I can’t lay it down, I just keep reading from one day to the next!”


In January of 2010 I heard Him say, “print 100 copies.  Sell them for $12 at the local gift shop; and most you’ll give away.  You will know what to do.  My friend called and confirmed this message from the Lord.  He’d told her to edit the book for typing errors as she read.  We made the corrections, printed the books, and anointed all 100 books with oil, asking Him to put them in the hands of His kids who needed to know He loves them.


The local store agreed to sell copies on consignment. However, most of the 100 books were given away over the next two years. On January 17, 2012 I was at home on a “Snow Day” from school.  He told me to call my friend who was already a published author and ask her how to get the book to print.  By January 19 I was in contact with Author House Publishing, and the book was going to print by Thursday, January 26.  On Sunday morning January 29 He woke me saying, “you have to change the title of the book—only those who already know Me will recognize it.”


I panicked. The book was already in process, BUT GOD knows all things so I didn’t argue with Him.  I told my husband and what he said next surprised us both.  He said, “I think the book should be called, ‘When God Speaks…He Says Amazing Things!”  I looked at him stunned.  I knew he had just spoken out the new title of the book.  I looked through the approved pictures for a new cover picture to go with the title.

The picture of a man reaching his arms up to heaven, grabbed my heart and still does.  It was how I felt too.  I showed 4 pictures to a friend that day and she immediately said, “this one.”  She had chosen the picture of the man!”


I called Author House Monday morning January 30 and they hadn’t sent the book to print.  God KNEW!  The name changes were made throughout the book and the cover redone.  The book went to print on February 2, exactly 17 days from the first phone call.  It still blows my mind, but with God all things are incredibly, supernaturally, possible.


My hope for the book is simply for people to discover God DOES love them.  To hear His voice for themselves and start their own journey of listening and recording what He tells them 24-7.  Jesus is the WAY, the truth, the life!  There’s no other way to the Father but through Him.  So get started.  Jesus came to get us out of bondage to ourselves and into abundant life with Him.  Believe, receive and hear Him.  He will speak to you. Father, Jesus, and Holy Spirit love you!  They have all the answers and are waiting to share them with you.  Come home!

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When God Speaks…

May 19, 2013

As a high school student back in the late 60’s I took typing and shorthand classes; which I still use every day of my life.  In the 1970’s I was the Promotion and Public Affairs Manager for an ABC Television Affiliate writing all the on air copy advertising the Network lineup and promotional materials for the station.  I’ve written numerous published articles for local newspapers, written poems as gifts for people, and journaled for over 40 years now.  I’m a wife, mom, and Nana working full time at a school.  I’ve been friends with Jesus my whole life.  However, the experiences of the past 16 years made me turn to Him for answers, comfort, strength, and courage.  We went through a time of restoration for our marriage, moved across state, our children all grew up and started families of their own.  During this time my journaling changed from just recording my words to listening to Him speak to me about everything.  He assured me that He was right there going through things with me and knew all about it.  He promised me answers and information as I was able to handle it on a daily basis.  It became the most exciting part of my day.  In December 2009 I was trying to think of what to get our children for Christmas and the Lord said, let’s write a devotional book for them for the coming year.  I came home from work the first night, got out my Bible and journal and thought that I was going to share some of my writings.  However, I heard the Lord speak out January 1 and kept going.  I was stunned.  I soon realized that He intended to give me the words for the book.  He literally spoke out the entire 365 days of the book.  Sometimes He would just say a word and wait for me to type it.  I think my favorite was March 5.  He just said, “Popcorn.”  I thought I was hearing things—I was.  I could almost sense His laughter.  He made popcorn—so spoke out the rest of the day as He wanted it.  There were times that my own thoughts would get mixed in and He would say, delete, that’s not what I said.  He kept me out of it.  There are others who have written similar books from their experience of listening, and it is sometimes amazing to see how our individual books dove tale on a given day.  Why not, He is God and knows all things and they’re His words, so He can do and say amazing things.  I printed the 7 copies of the book at our local university for Christmas gifts.  Then the Lord told me to print 100 copies to sell and give away.  As January of 2012 approached I was down to about 5 copies left and was praying about what was next.  The Lord provided funds and directed us to officially publish the book through Author House Publishing company where a friend of mine was an author.  The process started on January 19 and the book went to print by February 3, 2012.  It was a miracle.  The book will help you realize just how much God knows you, is not mad at you and desires to have a personal 24-7 relationship with you.  He’s not a crutch, but Creator of all that exists.  He has ALL the answers.  Jesus said He had much to share with us and His Spirit would teach and lead us.  He speaks night and day.  He never leaves us or forsakes us. He is the “I AM” and that means right here, right now.

He wants to spend time with us.  I love just sitting quiet with Him; which is amazing because all who know me, know that I’m task driven, busy.  He said, “My Sheep hear My voice and follow Me!”  Listening to Him has become so much fun.  The world says just Believe, well you better be sure you’re believing in the real deal.  HE IS.  Check Him out.  He will not let you down!  He loves you!

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April 26, 2013

Precise is WHO I AM!  I AM GOD and therefore precise.  Precision is ME.  I do nothing haphazard or unknown to Me.  ALL is known to Me.  Do you hear what I AM saying to you this day.  All is known to Me and there is nothing unknown to Me.  That means that everything about you is known to Me and I LOVE YOU!   You are My child and cannot be taken from Me.  I do not give you up to another.  It is your choice!  I have called you as My own and paid a dear price for you with My own Son’s blood on your behalf.  However, I do not choose to force you or own you as a slave.  I choose you as My blood bought, adopted forever child.  Do you accept this on your behalf.  I made you.  I declare your name is written on the palms of My hands.  I do not forget you.  I do not turn my face from you, ever.  I do not get upset with you.  I treat you as a beautiful garden with places in perfection where I have already been and places that need tending in My PRECISE time and season.  What you fear is not of ME.  I cause you no  fear.  It comes from the liar who seeks to deceive you and rob you and steal and destroy you; who hates you because of ME.  I choose to live and dwell in you.  I ask that you would come and live and have your being in Me.  I AM GOD and offer you all that I AM in a covenant of My own making.  You say, “Yes!”  It is not forced upon you.  It is offered to you with great love and care 24-7.  I think about you continually and never stop.  My thoughts toward you are more than the sands of the seashores.  My love exceeds all things because I AM LOVE and therefore there is no limit to My love on your behalf and no place that I won’t go for you My child.  I care for you.  I provide all things needed for you as you Trust Me more and more and lean on Me and what I say to you this day.  Every day is NOW  with Me.  I AM here and now, not back or forward.  There is so much for us today, that is all we need.  I AM HERE MY CHILD!  Come and don’t delay.  Find in Me all that you need for life and health.  Whatever is driving you MUST STOP!  I have promised REST for the weary in Me.  I give you My peace, Me.  Whatever you need and think you need, ask Me and see what I will say to you.  Be willing to surrender to My Will in your life as to a King who loves you and serves you with His life, His existence.  I AM here for you.  I know what you need, do you?  You fear Me and what I will say or do to you, but that is because you have no idea about a Father’s love–ME!  I have sought you because I love you.  There is nothing to fear with ME.  The only fear that is real and good is honor and adoration and trust.  All other fear is false and evil and seeks to bring you down to nothing.  Believe what I have said to you.  Listen and hear My voice for I AM speaking to you right now and will tell you things you did not know about Me and you.  Come and find your life–in ME!

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March 10, 2013

How do you herald ME?  What do you say to those around you?  Do you fear what you say, and couch every word?  Are you fearful of Me and what I might say through you or to you?  Are you afraid of ME?  This MY question to you today.  Are you afraid of Me?  If so we need more time together to undo your mindsets about Me and everything I AM and DO!  I AM ALL–WAYS FOR YOU, ABOUT YOU.  Your concept of love is warped.  There’s no other explanation, but lies, upon lies from the father of lies to warp and distort and confound and confuse my children, my kids!  My lambs–ewe–YOU!  Do you get it?  Do you see what I AM saying to you this day.  I LOVE YOU!  All of you personally.  I LOVE YOU as if you and I are the only ones who exist.  I AM GOD.  I AM ABLE. I AM EVERYWHERE individually, personally, caring for and loving and taking care of MY precious children.  Many don’t see Me or know ME at all but I AM here just the same.  I have never left you alone for one second.  I have made you My design, unique from all the others.  You are blessed and precious to Me.  I call you home to ME every second of every day.  However, most are ignoring My Pleas, just like children playing being called home for supper.  SEE IT!  That is you.  I call you home to dine with Me and see Me and get to know Me and believe Me.  All that I AM I want to share with you right now this minute.  That’s where I AM–right here.  Not the minute that just passed, but this one–right now–with you.  Give Me your hand and your trust.  TRUST comes from ME to you and back again.  You cannot know what to trust without ME.  You do not know everything though many think they do.  This is not the case.  Man only knows what I want him to know.  Yes!  You seem surprised by that truth.  WHY?  I AM GOD and man is NOT!  Everything exists by Me and for Me.  I AM the one who decides and determines all things.  I do not create evil nor make it.  I take it and break it and turn it for MY GOOD–always and in all ways.  There’s nothing I can’t do, EVER!  Therefore, I call you to trust Me completely.  You JUST TRUST MY TRUST!  ME.  I AM TRUST WORTHY because I TRUST FATHER!

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January 25, 2013

What does that word mean to you?  “MUST!”  “Must” what?  Must implies an action of some type by you or others.  It is a direct order, a command, important, no room for argumentation or conferring.  It speaks of a quick and needed response to something or someone.  You “MUST” implies that you have to do something, go somewhere, be something.  It is not negotiable.  It has to be.  There is one thing for sure and that is ME–GOD.  I know all things and continue to tell you this from day to day.  I MUST tell you of ME and let you know of MY love for you 24-7.  I MUST.  It is who I AM.  I cannot do anything else.  I MUST let you know the truth.  I MUST tell you that all men will die and after that the judgment.  Will you be there with ME or by your SELF?  You MUST believe in and accept and receive the provisions that I, GOD have made for you.  You MUST not think that you can do this for your SELF.  You MUST believe that I sent MY Son, Yeshua, Jesus for the EXACT, EXPRESS PURPOSE of setting you free, saving you, redeeming you, and bringing you home to ME–your true and wonderful Father.  I designed you and created you for MY Self.  I love you completely and totally; know everything there is to know about you.  You are My creation; My workmanship, created in Christ Jesus.  Do you comprehend anything that I AM saying to you this day?  I, GOD, Almighty, One and ONLY, KING of Glory–all that there is–LOVE you.  I died for you willingly, though I struggled through My own flesh in the Garden of Gethsemene.  I drove the perfected plan of OURS from before the world was formed–forward.  My time on earth was a precisely timed rythm and dance with the Roman government and the Jewish religious leaders.  My Father and I orchestrated perfectly the moments of My work among the people, confrontations with the leaders and drove them to the point of crying out for My death.  Had anyone ever realized fully who I was walking among them, they would all have fallen to the ground in awe like dead men in the presence of Almighty God upon the earth.  Had they done so, the cross of My shame, bearing your sin and setting you free in My new Blood Covenant would not have been possible.  Had they known who I was, they would never have cried out for My death.  They would have worshipped Me instead, as all knees will bow to Me at the appointed time to come.  You MUST believe Me.  I love you and want you free here in the earth.  Free of man’s ways and earth’s fakery.  All is not as it seems in the earth.  There is a bigger and perfect way to live among the sons of men and women.  It is to follow ME.  That is what I call to you.  Come and follow ME and find your life saved, abundant, full, refreshed daily at My banquet table spread specifically for you and I and what we will accomplish today.  This is LIFE!  This is LIVING!  YOU MUST choose Me.  I have chosen you.  Choose Me and live.  Choose the world and die.  Sounds harsh, but it’s true.  There is no other salvation or way to the Father, but through ME.  We, HE and I, call you to Our SELVES and all that We have created for you.  COME!  Find more than you ever dreamed possible in US!  Holy Spirit longs to dwell with you and fill you up to overflowing.  Check out My words written on paper.  Ask Me to speak with you.  I WILL!  You MUST decide for your self.  No one else can do this for you.  BELIEVE is a word that applies only to ME.  Believe in ME and live.  Believe in anything else and you are believing in lies and distractions to lead you to destruction and death.

COME and LIVE and ENJOY My Peace, My Grace, My Forgiveness, My Mercy, My Help, My Comfort.  All I AM is yours!  I have cut the Blood Covenant for you.  Drink My blood and eat My body–My meal and share with Me.

Categories: Uncategorized.


December 13, 2012

How does that make you feel when I say that?  You are immediately comforted and a calm seeps over you.  You felt it when I spoke it to you.  That is what you need to remember all day and every day with Me.  I AM here, and nothing you are facing is beyond My help and comfort.  I KNOW ALL THINGS and have declared this to you time and again to replenish your heart with trust in place of turmoil and strife and constant struggle over things you cannot fix your self.  I AM GOD and therefore, you must come and trust ME with all these things you are concerned about.  Yes I know these lives and what is about to happen to them from moment to moment.  Yes you can trust Me not to lose My kids; which you are one.  Do you believe Me right now on this issue?  I know you have thoughts of guilt and anger and failure and loss and hope and concern and wondering what you can do and if you should do something and how to let go and let ME.  I see it all, know every thought you have on this issue.  I ask you to step aside and leave this matter to Me.  I know the past, present and future of every life.  I create them, I sustain them.  I know you think I do a poor job at times with things the way they happen here, but don’t forget My work, My plans are different in their scheme.  Yes, you think of Joseph and he is My example to you right now.  Total trauma was his life for many years and then I stepped into the light and all knew I was there with him.  He had never doubted Me, in fact leaned on Me for everything–his needs were always met.  So when he was brought forward before Pharoah and all was brought to light, it was My purpose coming forth and all were saved because of it, no other way would work.  Do you believe Me in this path I choose for you and others too? You must not do what I don’t ask, for then you mess with Me.  I have a plan, have promised it; and know the future too.  So if I do and promise you, then why the downcast trust?  You doubt My capabiilty to fix it right, your way!  That is the bottom line, you fear what I will do.  Your trust is based on what you want, not what I plan; the best, so REST!  DO YOU?  When you are troubled, doubting Me and what you see amiss, your trust is slammed onto the ground by fear of Me and what I’ll do.  SEE IT!   Do you love Me?  If you love Me you will trust Me.  You will believe that I do all I say and more than you could ever dream or hope, so STOP the struggles, gloom.  My JOY resides inside of you, but you decide your mood.  It comes from you and not from ME for Mine is always great!  I AM love, I AM joy, I AM peace, I AM!  So decide to come and sit with Me and rest from all your stress.  NO MORE!  LET IT ALL GO.  I know it involves people you love and feel you failed and judged.  So come to Me and give Me all that you thought you could do.  I’ll fix the mess, I always do and you will be blessed, refreshed.  COME!

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December 7, 2012

When you feel silly for over reacting, confusing, or stressing for nothing, just REST!  STOP and release it and don’t get caught up in how you feel in your flesh.  Pride interferes, makes you feel that your less than what I created you to be.  Sounds funny doesn’t it.  Pride works contrary to you no matter what.  Flesh is SELF and SELF is where Pride dwells.  Pride stands before Me and shouts how great you are to defend you and make you feel good about SELF.  Pride is the mask that we wear to cover who we really are.  Pride is false, a complete lie.  That is why I hate pride in all of its facets.  It drags you down and builds you up and keeps you from the truth.  So if you feel silly over something you have done, come talk to ME about it and we’ll deal with it together.  Sometimes the very best thing is the silliness you feel because it will help to train you so the future will be different.  When nothing is learned and nothing is gained, Pride is at work to keep you from seeing the truth of what’s needed.  It will keep you comfortable and help you rationalize your mistakes or arrogant behavior; which are opposite points of its destruction.  I know that you wonder what I’m saying but keep coming and you’ll find that when I speak it’s deep to deep.  Your spirit understands what My Spirit speaks to you.  Listen and hear what I’m saying and let your SELF go.  Don’t try to protect it, let everything go.  When you release You, you are stepping into freedom.  Humble your SELF under My Mighty hand and find your SELF in the grip of LOVE like you’ve never known before.  I AM Love and I AM grace.  Come and I’ll change your face from feeling shame and silliness to joy and peace and grace.  I love you, All of YOU!

Categories: Uncategorized.


December 6, 2012

HI!  Before I type what HE will say on this I wanted to explain.  I just got a text and it said, “still waiting!”  I suddenly heard HIM saying, “STILL—WAITING!”  I got it. 

YES! My children–BE STILL and KNOW that I AM God.  WAIT I say on the LORD.

Be sure to scroll down and read the post below:  “I LIFT YOU UP” from this morning….

Categories: Uncategorized.


December 6, 2012

I do, you know it.  Today you feel My hand upon your chin, lifting your face to see My face in front of you.  It is full of love and adoration of you My child, not what you have feared from Me.  I calmly say I love you in the middle of your day.  I say to you peace and joy and all things good from Me to you this day.  It is THE day.  I AM!  This moment in time is ME.  I live here with you.  I dwell in this moment, ever changing because that moment has already passed from us as we speak to each other right now.  Another moment just passed.  Do you see the significance of your day with Me.  Do you waste many moments in self recriminations; a vicious cycle of abuse.  Yes you do, and it is not from Me or of Me, but the liar who seeks to destroy you every moment of every day.  There’s no truth in this junk from the dung heap of lies that perpetuate the stink of his false identity to assume he has the right to plague My children already bought and paid for by My SELF in Blood, My own.  Do you hear what I AM saying to you this day of all days, every day the same truth from Me to you.  I love you and you are Mine and you need to stay quietly at rest in Me and guard your heart in Christ Jesus, your Lord and Savior, King of all things including your mind which He is renewing at His pace for you.  You must trust His lead and stay at peace in Him.  He will not give you more than you can handle in the moment at hand, though you may think so, it is not so.  You are held in supreme all inclusive grace and might, MINE!   I AM GOD and there is no other.  MY NAME IS I AM!  There is no other god before Me nor will there be.  No destruction can touch you in Me.  Hide in the shelter of My Glory all encompassing you into Me.  Do you believe this right now?  It is and you must trust My words of truth to you and step into Home in ME and stay there.  Don’t be drug around by the nap of your neck to every wind and whim you hear.  Stay solid in Me.  I AM your teacher.  Come to Me.  I will speak truth to you and decifer all things.  I have promised to lead you right.  I cannot lie to you, nor ever will for I AM GOD, Just and Holy, TRUE!  There is no false in Me.  Speak of Me often among yourselves and REST in ME.  I AM your REST.  I will teach you what this means on a daily basis as you walk out life with Me.  I know all your concerns that bother you this day and I will attend them without your help, but with your TRUST and Obedience at all costs to Me and what I may say to you in the course of the day.  Come and hang out with Me in spirit and in truth.  Yes while you work I AM here with you and orchestrating your moments, so do not push your own agenda forward, but Mine will prevail and be blessed over you and through you.  That is the key to abundant life.  ME!  I AM the one who knows all things and will do things precisely as I have planned and you are the one who walks in it with both feet firmly planted in My will and not your own.  I love you with an everlasting love.  It never fails you, ever, for any reason.  Do you believe Me?  Doubt is sent to trip you up and make you fall.  I will keep you from falling, I have declared it and I will do it.  Your name is spoken here in this moment.  I know you and love you. COME!  BELIEVE in ME not just anything the world dishes up and says believe.  You must know what you believe and why; and truth is all you need.  I AM the TRUTH, the LIFE, the WAY!  Come with Me and find your day blessed beyond anything you could have imagined your self even on your very best daydream.

Categories: Uncategorized.


November 28, 2012

Doubt caves!  It will come at you relentlessly until you cave!  Why?  Because the opposite is Hope and Hope is in Me alone.  Doubt is lies, from the father of lies, satan.  Do not think this strange that I would speak of this to you today.  You must hear Me and know Me and trust Me like never before.  When you doubt you run to others to verify, and in that moment you are robbed of full joy of obedience and belief and trust without doubting.  This was Thomas’ story and now you understand the feeling he had when he realized the truth.  Doubt comes to all at times to disturb your peace and comfort from Me.  It comes to trip you up and get you to fold inward and away from Me and what I have said to you or asked from you.  This is what you must do.  Tell it to flee in My Name as you speak out the truths you know about Me.  Faith is what I ask of you and faith is what I give you.  I said to Mine, “Have Faith In GOD!”  I AM GOD.  I see you right now and blast My light on you through window pane to touch you and say, “Yes My child!”  You are listening, hearing, obeying, and moving now in Me.  I have large gray clouds in front of light now and you can see the blasting difference.  Only I can do this to show you I AM here with you, seeing you and knowing your thoughts and actions.  All is well.  Believe that I have spoken these things to you in the dark and light will be the result.  More and more and more light will protrude forth into the darkness, pushing it away from eyes now blinded, soon to see Me coming forth in great glory in their lives.  See what I AM about to do is so profound to you, that you will be astounded as I have promised by all that I will do on your behalf.  Yes.  You are knowing Me more and I Am bringing you closer still as I have spoken to you and all My children are blessed and refreshed and compressed into One as I do this in the earth around you, surrounding you, encompassing and using you among those you touch and see and love and know.  This is a day of great beginnings as are all days in Me.  I AM; present.  Yes.  Love Me and believe Me.  You cannot make these things happen or force them at will.  I do it.  You know that.  Believe in Me and trust in Me and I will bring it to pass.  Come and seek My face above all others.  You are blessed, refreshed, regrouped.  Fear no one.  I will do it.  You trust Me with your desires as you seek Me first above and formost in your life.  Come.  My daughter, My son, My child, to Me.  My throne room is yours, you are seated here as well, beside Me.  Come and see what that means and discover yourself in My presence more and more and more and knowing things you did not know before.  All is well.  Glory to My Name be given in the earth and above the earth in all that exists, I AM praised.  I AM GOD, Jehovah Nissi.  Come and see Me, love Me and be with Me. NOW!

Categories: Uncategorized.


November 15, 2012

Your name is attached to My Good Morning to you today.  Your life is Mine and I love you so much.  You are hearing Me and listening to Me more and more and that is complete joy to Me and Father.  We have so much to share with you and we long for every moment you spend with us here, tuned into Holy Spirit who is speaking to you right now as you write His words on this page for others to share in our table together.  My Glory is coming greater and greater in the earth.  You will see Me and hear Me more than you ever have before.  I AM brighter, easier to perceive.  LIGHT shining in the darkness around you–is Me!  I AM there.  I AM in the darkness.  The darkest places are bright light to Me because I AM there.  I AM LIGHT.  Where I AM there is no darkness at all, ever.  SO do not be afraid to go where I direct for in that place you will find Me working and hearts ready and receptive to My voice in you.  Your words will be Mine coming forth with life and health to all flesh.  All are seeking something and many do not have a clue where to look.  But no one likes to look in the dark and stumble and fall and get hurt.  So you are the light walking into that place and suddenly their eyes perceive that something is different, things are changing.  I AM!  Do you see what this is about.  This is not about you, but Me in you coming forth in the earth wherever I want to be; where My lost ones are.  They are My children, MINE!  I have called them with an everlasting love that does not quit, give up, or walk away.  I AM here and I’m not going away or leaving you forsaken.  I have made you Mine at a great price, My own blood.  Therefore, tell MY STORY in the earth everywhere you go.  Be bold.  Hold to the truth that you know and love–ME.  I AM THE TRUTH, THE LIFE, THE WAY–out of all evils that have captivated you, held you prisoner for so long, bound in shackles and chains of your own making and those put upon you by others who should have loved you and helped you.  This is the condition you find your SELF in.  Get over your SELF and come to Me.  Climb right on past SELF’s warnings, lies that have kept you bound in SELF’s protective pride against everything you think is weird, but is ME!  I AM GOD!  I AM the one and only God, LORD, KING, Creator of all things and I call you to My SELF.  There is life and love and wholeness and freedom like you’ve never known before in ME.  It is not as the world or religious describe in their ways and traditions, not of ME.  My ways are full of love and excitement and joy and peace and they are STRONG on your behalf.  I AM all powerful, all mighty, in charge of all. I control ALL THINGS!  There is nothing apart from ME.  Nothing exists but by MY HAND!  Man is not in charge, nor is he his own keeper.   The arrogance of man is sin against a Holy GOD.  We are ONE, Father and Son and Spirit and we are One with you in spirit.  We love you and work among you Our great plans coming forth which supersede all else in the earth and in all that there is.  I AM the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End.  Of My Kingdom there is no End.  Forever, eternal God and Creator and Lord of All.  I have loved you with an everlasting love and call you to My Self to live and dine with you, with ME.  COME!  That is always My cry to you with great joy upon My face–I call out to you again and again, COME!  Do not run away in fear, but Come to me and find Me everything you ever hoped or dreamed of.  I AM GOD!  COME!

Categories: Uncategorized.


June 26, 2012

It feels at times like you are wasting your time and perilous things are surrounding you but it is not so, ever.  You are with Me and as such there is never a waste of your time nore are you able to be touched without My express permission for My own purposes known to Me here in heaven bringing it to earth in your life.  So, that should be enough to calm your soul and spirit, mind and emotions right now this day, here and now!  All is well as I continue to declare to My children in the earth who are listening and seeking Me and coming to Me for help and care.  I know what you need when you need it and will assure you that it will be done by My hand for you.  I love you completely and look out for you today.  I know your concerns for those around you and your fears that cannot be explained right now.  I know them all and why they have come and will disseminate information to help you on the journey and ease your care in Me.  Come and be blessed and refreshed this day.  All is well.  I will help you and those you love to find Me in all things and know Me as you do and more and more and more for all of you.  Trust Me in all of this.  Do not step back into old thinking patterns.  You are pushed into that by the lies of the enemy to deceive you away from the truth you believe.  Trusting Me is the best thing you ever do.  Telling others how to trust Me too is your calling.  It is My story being told over and over and over again.  I love to hear you speak and challenge and encourage others to know Me more.  That is your purpose in the earth.  Make disciples of Me makes you a teacher of Me wherever you go and wherever you are.  That is what I love.  Even when you are upset inside you still speak out with pride of Who I AM–your Father, Lord and King.  Keep on and trust Me to back you up in the journey of this life.  I have you.  I love you.  Come and stay close and never leave My side.

Categories: Uncategorized.


June 12, 2012

GOOD MORNING!  It is you know.  Every day is a Good Day.  My view is completely different than yours, always, ALL WAYS!  I see things the way they really are.  You see them through the vantage point of your life’s view and it is skewed and distant and backwards from Mine.  I call you forth to Myself at all times and you drag your feet.  Your fears protect you from Me.  See!  I AM here but only as close as you will come to ME.  You hold back and determine that you must try harder when your trying is exactly what is coming between you and Me and all that I see and AM doing on your behalf.  Much is happening that you cannot see at all times and therefore, when you avoid and try to fix you literally place your SELF between you and Me and then you are blind to Me and what I’m up to for you.  It is always love on My part.  There is nothing else.  Do you see it?  Your SELF protection measures of trying so hard to stay safe, fix, explain, come from your pride.  Sounds funny doesn’t it.  PRIDE is what blocks you from seeing all truth.  Pride stands in front and connects you with SELF and not Me.  Pride must die out in order for you to be with Me and in Me as God living My life in the earth through you.  Pride creates the evil of SELF pity, rejection, loss, etc.  It becomes a weapon used against you to get you to defeat your SELF and you don’t even know it.  Pity parties are actually poison parties.  They keep you from Me and others and get you so SELF focused you cannot see or hear or feel or know anything different in that moment.  It must be defeated by looking away from SELF and to ME.  I AM your only TRUE source of life and health, protection, safety, ALL is in ME!  Come is always My call to My children.  I love you and I AM always calling to you to Come.  I AM your Father and My call is pure and SELF-LESS–ALL Love on your behalf, for you and those you love.  As you surrender all of you, your fears and desires to ME and let ME live My life in and through you and you in and through Me–we become ONE unit–ONE body and move at Father’s will to perform amazing wonders in the earth together.  A Joy you know and have experienced only with Me.  As you forget about your SELF and lean on ME, FATHER is ALL WAYS in charge of your life and those you love and caring for them.  It’s actually as you step away and let go, that MORE HELP and POWER and AUTHORITY than you could ever imagine goes forth on your behalf over all in your sphere of influence.  Yours are MINE!  I gave them to you.  You are MINE, I bought you back from slavery and death to My SELF and LIFE.  I love you so much more than you could ever imagine or comprehend in your limited understanding of all that goes on in the Universe and beyond man’s frame of understanding.  COME and be excited in ME.  I will strengthen your weak knees.  Bless. PRAY!  Believe!  I love you.  COME!

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May 29, 2012

I hear and know your thoughts anyway.  Why do you stress and fret and not come to ME?  I know why, do you?  You still think that you can solve things and issues that come against you without My help in the matter.  I AM God so why would you think you can do it your self.  See it is a child like thiing.  You grow up and then want no part of being needy as a child and yet I have already said that you must become like a little child in order to survive with Me, as I AM. I AM My Father’s child and as such I seek Him as My Father in all things.  I do not think that I AM able apart from HIM.  Do you see that we are ONE.  I declared it to you over and over and over again.  The Spirit makes us one, you and I and Father.  I know that you think you must be strong and dependent on no one for things that you must do and say and be.  It is the way of training among men, but not from Me.  I train My children to be dependent on Me, lean on Me, love Me, know ME, desire ME, be with Me, IN ME, as I AM!  Therefore, as you teach you lead astray to other sources of strength that will fail you over and over again, just like you have known and experienced.  STOP THIS NON-SENSE and come home to Me and be with ME.  I AM your GOD, your ALL, Your FATHER, your LORD, your MASTER, your FRINED, your BROTHER, your PROTECTOR, your PROVISION, your EVERYTHING in ONE!  I know that it seems redundant, but you do not get it so I say it over and over and over again.  COME!  Stay close to Me.  I have you and I know what you’re thinking.  Talk to Me and we will discuss these things and reason them out together in life freeing truth and joy and peace in ME.  I have all the answers and I AM ABLE to do all things for you, so trust in ME completely.  Don’t lean on what you see and think and feel.  It will trap you in lies of deception played out before your EYES to keep you in the dark of self and fears incapability to resuce you.  I AM your God and LORD and I have all the answers.  I WILL DO IT.  I have promised you.  You have seen it for your self.  My Tent was open to you and is still!  Come and live with Me.  Dwell in My tent and never be afraid again.  I AM the Almighty shelter of My PRESENCE over you, surrounding you, accompanying you as you are WITH ME.  I protect you in My shadow of light so magnificent that I render you invisible in ME.  COME and see that I speak truth to you at all times.  There is no lie in Me.  Come.  I love you and I have you.  I AM yours!  Be still and know that I AM your GOD.  COME.  Do not doubt Me.  Doubt comes from fear, lies.  Believe in ME!

Categories: Uncategorized.


March 28, 2012

What does it mean when a child says, “MINE!”  It’s ownership!  They are saying, “no, don’t touch, it belongs to me, I have control over it, it’s my own to hold, play with, have.”  There is so much more behind the simple word “MINE!”  I say it now to you this day.  You are MINE!  See it!  Valentines Day declares “Be MINE!”  Why is that so important to people, to lovers, to everyone human?  Why do you want someone to be yours and you to be someones?  See it!  There is a need built into your spirit, soul, and body to belong!  I put it there, because it is ME.  I belong to Father and Father belongs to Me.  My Spirit binds us together as One.  I desire you to be One with Me, with US.  We made you for OUR SELVES!  We are God!  There is nothing so magnificient as being a child of the One and Only True and LIVING GOD AND KING, JESUS!  I call you MINE because I now have ownership of ALL!  I have paid the price for your freedom from sin’s death sentence on your very life and person.  You are free.  My ownership is not slavery, but FREEDOM!  It is for FREEDOM that I have set you free this day and all others.  It is to bring you into My banqueting house and set before you all that is God’s.  As MINE, everything that belongs to ME, belongs to you as well.  You are MY child, My heir!  Everything I do, I do for you.  I serve you.  I came to serve and not be served.  I served you on the cross with My very life and blood.  I served you by conquering death, and setting you free.  If you believe in Me and accept My invitation to be My child, and I your Father, King, Savior, Lord, you are free of death.  The body may die, but you, who you really are, the spirit that lives in your body–is eternal.  I offer you eternal LIFE in My Kingdom in My presence.  For those who choose to ignore Me and not believe Me and what I have said, they are dead in their tresspasses and sins and will be judge accordingly for rejecting ME.  I AM GOD.  There is no other.  You cannot manufacture a god of your own making.  There is no such thing.  You cannot decide to combine me with other gods known only to man and not ME.  I AM! that I AM!  I have always been and always will be.  I AM the Alpha and the OMEGA, the beginning and the end.  All other gods placed before Me will fall and are nothing but dead wood and stone.  They speak not for they have nothing to say.  I AM GOD and I speak continually to MINE.  My Spirit dwells in you and links you to Me 24-7.  I AM here among you and seeking MY own, those who will choose ME and love ME and be with ME and desire ME and spend time with ME and learn of ME.  It is the same as when I walked the earth.  Many followed and some day every knee will bow before ME.  I will have all honor and all glory.  It will be!  You will see me coming on the clouds of glory sooner than you think.  I will reign supreme.  All principalities, rulers of darkness, authorities in the heavenly realms will be silenced, chained, and are defeated and know it already.  I AM the supreme GOD of ALL that exists, made by Me and for ME and MINE.  Do not think that there is another.  There is NOT!  Come and seek Me and find Me when you seek Me with all your heart.  There is nothing more of any value in life, than Me and being MINE!  I created you with a plan so supernatural that only I can bring it about in your life.  You must come and trust Me with everything that you are.  Enjoy Me!  I have EVERYTHING TO GIVE YOU AND NOTHING FOR YOU TO LOSE, BUT EVERYTHING FOR YOU TO GAIN.  Apart from Me you can do nothing.  All things that appear to be, come from ME.  There is no knowledge apart from Me.  I give mankind all knowledge they possess.  There is nothing in man of himself, but arrogance and ignorance.  All Wisdom comes from Me because I AM the source of all–all that there is of Me.  I made all and can define, explain and give understanding to all as I see fit.  COME!  Believe to Receive and confound the wisest of men with ME, your God, your Lord, your Friend, your ALL!  I love you, My child, MINE!

Designed by Tim Sainburg from Brambling Design

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Yes! What do you want?

January 31, 2012

This is what most people think about ME! That I Am an ogre up in the sky who shouts back with an impatient “What do you want?” That couldn’t be further from the truth of who I AM! Do you really care to know who I AM or are you content to keep listening to the voices around you making the decision for you. This is a person journey. I AM a personal God. I do things one on one with you, alone, and between us. Some things are for everyone and enjoyed by everyone, but for the most part My love relationship with you as My child is personal, intimate, secretive, stealth, perfected, precise, designed to fit you personally into abundant life with Me moment by moment of every day. There’s nothing like it on planet earth. I can promise you that nothing there can ever compete with Me and who I AM and want to be in your life if you will allow Me the great privilege of being your Dad–Father. For some that scrapes a nerve because they already have a great Dad. For others it makes them angry, they hate even the concept of Father. But you have not met ME if either case is true. I gave you your earthly Dad by bloodline and geneology as you refer to it. However, your true bloodline is from Me through Adam and Noah and on down to you. You are made in My image and it is stamped all over you inside and out. Check out Laminin and see what you think then if you doubt Me. I AM creator of all things, including you, your dad, and everyone else you know. There is no one greater than I AM. I will define you and release you. My plans and time are perfected over you. You have to desire to have My purposes for your life, then we can work together you and I in the earth to accomplish greater things than you ever dreamed possible. Your dreams are mediocre compared to Mine for you. I made you. Come and see what I have in mind for you. Trust Me with your life. I love you completely My child.

Designed by Tim Sainburg from Brambling Design

Categories: Uncategorized.


January 1, 2012

New Days! I AM. I AM here and now. You look at years today. A new year. I look at days planned before the foun dation of the world was laid. I see you and know you and the day in front of you. It is My focus. I AM here. I AM with you in this day. Yesterday is gone and behind you. Tomorrow is not available to you as yet. Today is your focus with Me and I need you greatly to focus on Me and My plans with you for this day. There is extremely important things to be done in the earth with you and with Me together. I want you to love Me and be excited about everything. You will see Me in it. Yes I know what you’re thinking and feeling today. Do not fear man’s time table. I have My own and it supercedes all of man’s ideas; his are nothing. I AM GOD and I have the plan! It is timeless and sure. It will be brought forth as I have declared. All who trust Me will know and see things as I make them clear and open for sight in the realm of the spirit where I dwell with you, MY Kingdom. It does impact, control and surround the world you live in with Me. Come and be very, very still in this thing.
I have called you and will continue to speak truth to your ear. Hear Me and trust Me. Obey Me in all things and do not sort your own way. Mine will lead you forward into My work, with Me and Father here in the earth. I love you and find you to be My precious one. Do you love Me? Find your self defeated as you come closer still in spirit with Me. It will be your complete and full joy. TRUST ME THIS DAY! It is a day I made for you. I AM HERE! Do not fear. Stay with Me. Trust Me not your sight. My words to you pull you closer still to hear My voice and know Me and what I’m up to in the earth. All is well because I AM GOD. I AM WELL! There is none above Me. ALL IS KNOWN TO ME and fit into My plan, designed for salvation, restoration, recovery of all that is MINE…..ALL! Come. Believe and receive Me. Do not reject Me. Hand in Mine, heart Mine, mind Mine….one together in Spirit…you and ME! Love is ALL I AM–all around–be LOVE to ALL! ME to all!
Designed by Tim Sainburg from Brambling Design

Categories: Uncategorized.


December 14, 2011

I can’t help you if you won’t listen to Me. Do you hear what I AM saying to you. I AM God and you are not. Yet you listen to your own thoughts all day long and think that you are so smart and courageous when what you do and accomplish comes only through Me to you. I AM all wisdom. There is no one that I don’t help in life. I AM the giver of all life. No one lives without Me. I breathe life into your very body and I take breath and life when the time is right. It is not for you to know and understand these things, however, I AM willing to give answers when I AM asked by those who’s hearts are after Me. I cloud your view on purpose some days in order to get you to depend on Me for your very substance in that day. Apart from Me you can do nothing in your SELF, though many hail each other as kings, and rulers, and blessed with intelligence and abilities–yes, from ME. They think it is somehow made up within themselves. NO! There is a GOD, the only GOD and WISE FATHER of us all. He is Mine and you are Mine. He declares over your life what you will be and calls you forth to come and be all that He desires. He knows you very well and designed you, knows all there is to know about you. Everything. Your giftings and talents they come direct from ME to YOU. I AM HE. WE ARE ONE in the earth and working out OUR plans for all to know and be loved and be free. Too many reject us as unimportant, old fashioned, for women, not macho. My WORD–I AM the ALMIGHTY GOD, My very breath can blow away the planets including the one you stand upon and hail your SELF as great and mighty and wondrous among your SELVES. SEE how foolish it is to ignore the GOD who made you, loves you, knows you, defines you, declares you in the spiritual realm as HIS CHILD! This is beyond our wildest dreams and imaginings that the GOD and CREATOR of the universe declares us His own. He does, but few come near, call upon Him and desire Him. He longs for Father daughter son relationship with you who are listening at this moment to HIS Words declared here in this page. There is nothing more spectacular thaN GOD HIM SELF and yet we hold the offerings of the world up to our SELVES and think them astounding and profound. OH! NO! How can it be that man can see a tree, a thumb, an eye, a horse, a pearl, a nightengale, a topaz, a peach, a child, a whale and think that I CAN’T BE! How foolish is the man who says there is no GOD. I AM! I AM HE! I AM HERE among you and seeking My own. I long for relationship with those I love. I love all. COME and find ME more than you could have imagined or dreamed of. MY FULLNESS is around you and surrounding you and guiding and protecting you. When you decide to look, see, and listen you will hear the mysteries of heaven poured out to your ear, in spirit and in truth you will find ME–ALL you need in this earth. COME and BE BLESSED!
Designed by Tim Sainburg from Brambling Design

Categories: Uncategorized.


November 17, 2011

Good News is God News and God is Good News to all who hear of Me and what I do. I call you forth to tell of Me this day and declare that I AM. Real, alive, full of hope and life and health to all and everyone who lives. I AM your Father, your maker, creator and know all things about you–all things! Do you see what I AM saying this day to you and yours. There is nothing you need fear. Be afraid of nothing for I have declared it over and over and over to My children. I have you secured into Me and know all things about your life and health and substance. I do all things well. I HEAL in My time and in My way and you can trust Me with this. I know that there is much you cannot see of what I do and My realm that supercedes yours. Come and learn of Me and find your spirit soaring with Me as One together. Flesh will die off and have no more power and authority over you as you come and live and dwell with Me and in Me. There is much I desire to seek out with you. As you come and grow beyond your SELF to Me you will find out who you really are. Your spirit will be set free of the bondage and rule of fleshly lusts that have controlled you since childhood. Lusts for everything from food to having your own way in all things. This is a huge deterent to our work together. I know that you long to know and understand things that come your way. So come to Me the source of all knowledge and I will be answering your questions before you can even ask them. I know your thoughts and thus will provide what you need in all areas. I help. I lead. I convict. I stall, for timing is Mine in all things. I know this sounds strange to some, but this is Kingdom Living which I declared to you and asked of you who follow Me. You will be living in My Kingdom’s realm and thus under My sway more and more each day till we are truly one in spirit as I have declared that we will be together you, and I. It is the most fun and enjoyable existence possible. Nothing can get near you but what I have need of it for you are My workmanship created in Christ Jesus Lord and Son and Savior of All. I AM your Lord and Father, God of all. There is no other god before Me. Come and enjoy Me and love Me and find your fulfillment completed 100 percent in My presence. The Joy of the Lord is your strength. My strength is made perfect in weakness. Come and be astounded with Me on this great and wonder-filled journey together. You and ME!
I love you this day and all others. Come.

Categories: Uncategorized.


October 27, 2011

I’m here! Do other gods talk to you and tell you things today? Are they real, worth your attention? Do you stop and think of this? I AM the only God there is. One God! I have made all things and all things exist by My Might hand! If you doubt, look around and see. I’ll speak to you, come see! My creation shows My handiwork and shouts My name. But many choose another’s fame and name. There is no such thing but Me. I have said it and it is true. I AM all TRUTH. Nothing else exists but Me and Mine. This confounds the wise and shakes them up for they choose to ignore. But you who come closer still will learn of Me and know. Nothing will deter you, not life or death, or shame. I AM your life and you exist in Me. I breathe all life into existence, create it with My hands. No baby comes from man alone, it takes My hand to be. I desire when life takes place and put the soul in place. A petrie dish is not My will, but life can only come from Me. There is no human being smart enough to create a life, a soul. No matter what they think and do, it’s still just ME at work. I do all things and control all things and there is nothing that happens without my express knowledge and for purposes that man does not always see nor comprehend. The worst to the best fit into MY PLAN or they would not be. I have never left, nor will I. I do not hide or run away. I CAME to set My children free from all the junk of the enemy who has lied and deceived and blinded them to the truth of who I AM. I come gently and unmask their face to see Me face to face in love and grace and glory! YES! It is My story. I will redeem all things and all will see and all will bow. Trust Me and believe is the cry of My heart. I long for the TRUST of My children. For their love to come to Me and bless Me as I blessed My Father in Heaven is loves them and sent Me for them. This is the greatest story ever told and the only one that saves! COME! Find Me here, alive, well and ready to dwell with you and live with you and you with Me as ONE!

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