August 4, 2010

What does this mean to you? I will tell you what it means to ME! I mean to say nothing. Open not your mouth. It will seem foreign to you in most circles and you will find yourself at a loss for words that would draw people to yourself as in the past. That is My design. I want to silence your critics and also Mine. I want to be seen and not heard by some who would use what you say against Me. See. There is a huge difference here in what I say and what you say. I know when to speak and what words to use that are powerful and building and constructing in the realm I see and know, My Kingdom coming forth all around you and in you. However, your words, at times fun and eclectic can set in motion things of the enemy forces never intended by Me if you had been silent and quiet in My presence alone. There is so much more happening in the earth, all in My charge. I know ahead of time what you will do or say based on your thoughts which I know in advance of you thinking them. Yes I AM God and so it is true. There’s never been a thought by anyone that I didn’t know before them. I made the devil and knew all about him before he did and still do. So. If you will hear Me first, talk with Me and discuss things with Me first and then do nothing without My express consent in your spirit you will be astounded and amazed at how we work together you and I. There is so much more for you to know and I will tell you as you are ready to conceal the matter with Me until I reveal it. That is the key. Too much would be spoken out into existence and known to My enemy who is defeated and subject to Me now, but attacks you relentlessly because of your words and lack of wisdom in most things. I have promised that nothing is hidden from you now that you need to know. I call you to Me, close, home, Come! Stay with Me and find yourself in a whole new realm of being with Me. You will work and help and love and give in ways you never thought possible because it is possible only through and in Me. There’s nothing you can do in and of yourself, ever. So just STOP! Stop today the trying and prying and crying and run to Me and be with Me. I AM YOUR source of everything–ALL! There’s nothing apart from Me and everything in ME. That in itself is the wonder and glory of the cross and My story. I AM GOD and All that I AM is now yours as you live in Me and with Me and believe that all I say about My Self is true. I love you completely and there’s nothing standing between us but YOU! That’s it. Not your behavior, what you’ve done. That was cleared, wiped out back then–IT IS FINISHED! Remember My last shout! Yes and Amen on your behalf and all others backward and forward. Come and see My Kingdom in you and through you coming forth now in the earth through My Bride, My Body. I Am setting you free of your fetters and bonds. BE GLAD! Not SAD! All is well! Come.

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