November 17, 2011

Good News is God News and God is Good News to all who hear of Me and what I do. I call you forth to tell of Me this day and declare that I AM. Real, alive, full of hope and life and health to all and everyone who lives. I AM your Father, your maker, creator and know all things about you–all things! Do you see what I AM saying this day to you and yours. There is nothing you need fear. Be afraid of nothing for I have declared it over and over and over to My children. I have you secured into Me and know all things about your life and health and substance. I do all things well. I HEAL in My time and in My way and you can trust Me with this. I know that there is much you cannot see of what I do and My realm that supercedes yours. Come and learn of Me and find your spirit soaring with Me as One together. Flesh will die off and have no more power and authority over you as you come and live and dwell with Me and in Me. There is much I desire to seek out with you. As you come and grow beyond your SELF to Me you will find out who you really are. Your spirit will be set free of the bondage and rule of fleshly lusts that have controlled you since childhood. Lusts for everything from food to having your own way in all things. This is a huge deterent to our work together. I know that you long to know and understand things that come your way. So come to Me the source of all knowledge and I will be answering your questions before you can even ask them. I know your thoughts and thus will provide what you need in all areas. I help. I lead. I convict. I stall, for timing is Mine in all things. I know this sounds strange to some, but this is Kingdom Living which I declared to you and asked of you who follow Me. You will be living in My Kingdom’s realm and thus under My sway more and more each day till we are truly one in spirit as I have declared that we will be together you, and I. It is the most fun and enjoyable existence possible. Nothing can get near you but what I have need of it for you are My workmanship created in Christ Jesus Lord and Son and Savior of All. I AM your Lord and Father, God of all. There is no other god before Me. Come and enjoy Me and love Me and find your fulfillment completed 100 percent in My presence. The Joy of the Lord is your strength. My strength is made perfect in weakness. Come and be astounded with Me on this great and wonder-filled journey together. You and ME!
I love you this day and all others. Come.

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