July 24, 2013

I JESUS PRAY FOR YOU!  I continually interceded for you throughout the day and night.  I never sleep or slumber, ever.  I have no need but YOU!  I look out for you, care for you, bless you, love you, want you, and desire you to be in personal intimate relationship with ME 24-7–BEST FRIENDS!  I seek you.  Do you seek ME.  There are things that you are dealing with right now that have kept you from Me.  Actually I AM the one and only person who could possibly help you with these things, but you ignore that I exist.  How silly it is for man to play the role of sole proprietor here in the earth.  If you think you made all of this then go for it.  I will not stand in your way.  However,  I do know ALL there is to know about you.  Everything that you would ever think or do or say or be was known to ME before I said, “Let there be light here in this darkness, void.”  I know it seems strange to you that I GOD would talk with you, but that’s why I created you.  I desired you to be with ME.  I have a place for you that has your name on it.  A Name that you’ve not heard yet in the earth.  A name given you by ME before you came to be.  YES.  It’s all true and that’s what makes it hard for you.  You want to believe things you see and feel and touch and smell and hear!  WELL–HEAR ME.  My voice is speaking to you all day long, if you are listening!  Try it.  Listen for My voice.  I promise that you will hear Me speak in gentle ways and nudges.  You’ve been hearing ME since birth, but you’ve not recognized it was ME.  COME!  I call you to come and ask Me.  See what I might say on your behalf.  I have promised you grace and mercy to follow you all the days of your life.  They are–you’re here.  You’re alive.  You look at what’s happening and think I don’t exist, care!  WHY?  Because I don’t fix everything to perfect.  Let me ask you.  If everything was as you wanted, would you even need anyone else, especially ME.  Would you even think of someone else.  NO!  I can tell you, you would not.  That is the way of SELF, EGO, FLESH and BONE!  I do not bring you harm–ever.  I have promised you My Authority and MY NAME to be used by you in the earth over serpents, scorpions and all the power of the enemy, and thereby–MY NAME–nothing shall harm you.  You don’t believe this is true–because you perceive that you’ve been harmed in many ways throughout your life and you blame ME!  However, I have been with you every second.  I have lived it all with you.  I have plans still.  I conquered death and so there is no death.  You laugh at that because you’ve lost and put them in the grave.  But I have conquered graves, and death, and dark.  ALL come here to ME who BELIEVE in ME!  There is one breath there and exhale here in My presence–absent from the body, present with the LORD I HAVE DECLARED ALREADY!  There is much truth here for you to ponder and decide.  The earth is big on CHOICE right now.  You have free choice.  ME or you?  That is your choice.  You can’t have both.  Choose ME–choose life.  Choose you, you lose more than you could possibly imagine.  WOW!  Is right!  PONDER MY LITTLE ONE–you decide.  I AM STANDING HERE LOVING YOU, WANTING YOU, NEEDING YOU to be with ME every day.  I long for friendship with you.  It will be the greatest adventure you could ever imagine to be friends with GOD.  That’s why I came!  Come.

Categories: Uncategorized.


July 23, 2013

Today WE have something to say to you–more HIM than me of course.  We are sitting here with our bags packed waiting for the phone call that our new grandchild is on the way.  We can’t wait.  This child was placed by God in her womb as all children are.  We don’t know who it is yet, but HE DOES!  We don’t know if it’s a boy or girl, so we’re excited and ready for both.  God planned, designed and created this child-person before the foundations of this world were laid into place.  Before He spoke, “Let there be light” HE knew this child.  That is the all sobering thought today for all of us.  We were thought of, loved, designed, planned, wanted.  NOW THING ABOUT THE TRUTH that God knows All things–ALL–everything that has ever been or will be.  All that I would do and be was known to Him before He created me in my mother’s womb.  Shocking, as my life has not been perfect, nor has yours I’m sure.  The AMAZING LOVE thing is that in knowing everything I would do, say, or think, HE still chose and wanted me to BE!  WOW!  That TRUTH gives every one of us eternal value beyond the ability to measure or put a price tag on it.  It’s funny.  A little prince was born yesterday in England and a little prince or princess is coming our way too.  That’s right.  Man’s world has elevated the precious little boy born yesterday in England to the status of Prince through the line of Windsor.  However,  Jesus states in Revelation 1:6 that HE–GOD–has elevated each one of us who believe in Him and receive Him to the station of priests and kings–joint heirs of HIS KINGDOM.  It’s beyond our understanding to fully comprehend what all this means–but HE IS SPEAKING!…

Yes!  I AM speaking and I AM loving My children to Myself.  I long, wait patiently for each one of you to discover that I AM all and who and what you’ve been seeking your whole life.  You are made in MY IMAGE.  MY own DNA as GOD runs through your cells, veins.  You hear Me but don’t recognize My voice as yet.  My sheep, which you are, HEAR MY VOICE and FOLLOW ME is what I declared when I was there actually walking among you on the earth for 33 years.  I AM speaking and if you will take the time to listen, hear Me and get acquainted with ME you will talk and walk with Me 24-7.  It is the greatest and most wonderful fellowship and relationship, created with great passion by MY Father who is LOVE for ME and for YOU!  He has purposed it for all who will believe and come and join US!  It is the most amazing, abundant, joy full, peace full life possible.  It doesn’t mean there are no problems, traumas, things to press through.  If you will look at My life portrayed on the pages of scripture in the gospels given by Me to My brothers to write down for you and chronicle parts of My life, you will see!  I cried out daily here, I felt and experienced the pain of living human.  I know what rejection and disappointment are.  I was misunderstood and could not cross the line to help them understand and see who I truly was.  I had to walk the Father’s plan and go on through the cross to open up the doorway wide for all of you to come back HOME to us!  To release you from satan’s grip for all time and eternity.  The choice is yours to choose ME over SELF.  That’s all it is.  SELF is Pride’s protection measure.  Let all SELF die out and find your NEW life here in ME.  Come Home to ME–be FREE!

Well there you have it for this day.  Our thoughts shared with you.  This is how you can talk with Him and enjoy His company.  Amazing.  God wants to be friends with us.  HE is our FATHER and wants to be our friend.  JESUS is our Savior, coming KING, wants to love us and be loved by us.  WOW!  CHECK HIM OUT.  You will not be disappointed–EVER!

Categories: Uncategorized.


July 17, 2013

YUP!  I AM God, your Father and LORD.  WE, three, challenge you to believe that WE exist.  Don’t take another’s words for it.  Seek ME out and see if I AM all that I have promised.  I keep you breathing, and form your individual heart within My own hands on a daily basis.  You are kept alive by ME.  No one can kill themselves.  I decide when someone’s life story has ended, not you.  This is truth in My written Word the Bible.  I have ordained every day of your existence.  I have numbered the hairs on your head and know which number falls to the ground.  You have no concept of ME and My ways are beyond your understanding and grasp, though nothing is now hidden from those who choose to follow Me and seek Me out with their whole heart.  I love you more than you will ever know.  I have things to tell you that will make your life simple, less complicated.  Life is very intricate and intersects with so many around you, but I have designed it all according top My will and plan for you and you will see it come forth more and more as you take My hand and trust Me to do it for you and with you.  I AM GOD.  There is no other, no matter what man thinks.  Man cannot make gods though he tries with all his might to believe he can.  Do you think you can harness the sun, or decide when the dew will fall?  You have no control over Me.  I desire to lead you, guide you.  Will you check Me out?  I will make it worth your while, for time is of no essence to Me.  I have all the time in the world and more.  There is no time in My world, My Kingdom. I have come to bring you life and peace and joy.  I AM JESUS.  I will be returning sooner than you think.  I AM KING OF KINGS and LORD OF LORDS.  I sit.  I AM not troubled.  I AM not disturbed by you, but love you.  I seek to help you out of the pit of your life and give you all I AM and all I have.  I have cut a blood brother New Covenant with you–all on My own.  All you have to do is believe and receive Me into your life and I have already received you into Mine when I came and lived for 33 years, died and rose again to conquer death, and set you free.  COME and TRY ME.  I AM always waiting 24-7-365.   I know everything about you, designed every cell.  BELIEVE!

Categories: Uncategorized.


July 14, 2013

This is a common question among My children from day to day and how many of you answer it with truth in your heart?  See I know that it is often only the surface of what you want to share with those around you because you want NO ONE to know what is really going on and what you’re thinking in that moment.  GUESS WHAT?  I DO KNOW~you forget that this is SO!  DO NOT ever forget that I AM GOD and I AM here with you and never leave you and made you and therefore, you cannot fool me, though you do those around you.  In the depths of your soul, you try to hide.  I KNOW you, every part of you.  Your soul is not hidden from Me.  I come to dwell with you in spirit and in truth.  Your spirit becomes ONE with MY SPIRIT as I have declared in My All Powerful words to you on paper.  However, I desire to expand My chats with you into daily conversations between us.  I restored the fellowship to beyond what Adam felt and held dear to his heart so many years ago.  I CAME, I JESUS, came to set you free from the bondage of your SELF and to set you free to be with ME again, to love Father and be connected with Him as He always desired when He made you in His heart before the foundations of the world were laid.  Yes I speak to you constantly in ways you can hear and understand if you will allow your spirit to soar above your will and rationale.  I do ask you things and speak to you and tell you where to go, but most of you desire your own ways and will over Mine and question what you’ve heard and go ahead with your plans and thoughts for the moment in front of you.  This is why things are in such a mess that only I can fix and bless; which is My joy to do for those of Mine who call upon My Name.  I come with healing, grace, and mercy in My wings to lift you up to soar above your circumstances, situations derived from poor choices by you or others in your sphere, but known to ME full and well.  I AM never, ever disgruntled or caught off guard.  I KNOW ALL THINGS!  I have declared that I AM God, Alpha and Omega, and yours to have and to hold.  I have developed and executed the perfect forever FINISHED completed Covenant between us in My own blood.  Sounds strange, but Blood is what it had to be and it is DONE!  So now you are free to enjoy Me and all that I AM for you.  I AM God and therefore, as My child you are heirs of salvation through Me, the Son, the Father’s joy and you as well.  Come and be blessed in us.  Enjoy this day that is set before you and do not be disturbed by things that seem to torment.  Let it all go and call out to Me.  Hit your knees if necessary, raise your hands.  Hold Mine as a child takes hold of yours for protection, for safety, for guidance, for help, for LOVE!  That is who I AM and seek to be to you this day at all times.  I have come among you and desire you above all others.  Yes individually and corporately.  I LOVE YOU.  I Call you My child, My love, My bride, My church–not as you have made it, but as I desire it to be.  I AM bringing you forth MY WAY and I seek you as you seek Me.  I cannot be lost from you, for I never leave your or forsake you.  I AM always here.  You can walk away and turn your back and pretend I don’t exist, AM not in the room, but what you think and do does not change the truth.   I AM that I AM.  BELIEVE and RECEIVE all I have desired for you.  I have the plans and purposes already mapped out to perfection.  So why do you struggle to make your ways work.  Let ME lead and guide you this day and all others.  Come and be blessed and refreshed.  All IS WELL!  COME MY CHILD.  I Love you.  Holy Is My NAME over you, guarding, protecting, lifting, loving.  Let go and come–hold on!  We will do this thing together, you and I.

Designed by Tim Sainburg from Brambling Design

Categories: God's Messages, Know, Life, Uncategorized.



July 11, 2013

Yes!  Ask all the questions you want?  It’s still ME–GOD!  I hear you and your thoughts wondering what in the world–how can this possibly be true?  However, if you know My words, you know that I said I would not leave you orphans.  I breathed My own Spirit into you and you know have My presence dwelling in you and with you.  I have longed for this relationship with you since before the foundations of the world were made and you existed in My heart.  My love has been there for you all along.  I have never ever stopped.  I AM always with you, no matter where you go or what you do, I AM THERE!  I do love you and want to walk and talk with you all day long.  I can help you in your job.  I can help you with your kids.  I can help you save your marriage, because it’s Mine, not yours to give.  I can supply all your needs, for I own all that exists.  I can change the hearts of kings and presidents and all men in the earth.  Try ME and see if what I say to you this day is TRUE!  I cannot lie.  I know that you doubt because of all that you’ve seen.  However, you can fully 100 percent TRUST ME in all things with your life and your love.  Give ME your hand and walk out with Me.  You will find that you are not alone, never were.  Though you feel worthless at times, it is not so.  Your value demanded My life to redeem you for My own.  I love you.  Come and be friends with Me.  You will never have another closer than I AM.  I will share your skin.  I become ONE in spirit with you.  I AM the SON and greater than you know.  Come and discover all that I AM for you and to you and through you.  Love is on the wings of the prayers you’ve been saying that no one but ME knows!  I do hear you.  COME!

Categories: Hear, Know, Life, Love, Trust, Uncategorized.

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