January 7, 2015

I delight in you continually and AM here with you though much of the time you ignore My presence by distractions from around you that disturb your peace and keep you from ME.  I long for you to know ME more and more in order to be at peace in this place.  Things trouble you that are not of Me.  I can change things so fast that you cannot even see it happen.  If you will trust ME and come to ME first before you act, you will find that I AM GOD and do know exactly and precisely what is important and must be.  I have the plans set in place for every step of your life but you often think you know more than ME.  How is that possible?  Are you ME-GOD, Almighty, maker of heaven and earth and YOU!  Think about what I said to My child Job?  I challenged him to listen to ME and he did and found out more than he could have ever imagined.  He was blessed and changed forever.  He found ME all consuming and faithful.  I desire your life for My self because I KNOW best and made you and therefore, have designed all things for you to be BEST.  I make all things GOOD.  I AM GOD!  Do you believe in ME?  Come and discover that I AM more real than anything or anyone you know.  I love you completely and always.  There is no time with ME.  My world–KINGDOM is beyond yours and has nothing to do with time as you know it.  It controls nothing here, but all where you live.  You control your lives by time and space.  I DO NOT!  I AM completely trustworthy and your hand in Mine turns all that I AM free to work in you and for you and through you.  COME and find all that you ever dreamed possible because I AM GOD and I want you, made you, came for you, LOVE YOU!  COME!  LISTEN to ME!  I do speak and I AM waiting for your ears to hear and eyes to see.  When you do, you will never turn away again.  COME!  BE STILL!  Wait I say on the LORD–ME!

Categories: Uncategorized.


October 4, 2014

You MUST remember that I AM!  I AM GOD!  I cannot and will not give up on you, leave you, forsake you, shun you, turn away from you, despise you.  I LOVE YOU completely MY child, MINE!  I AM right here beside you in this chair where you are.  I AM in you and you in ME.  It’s why I came. I came to restore you back to ME for relationship with ME personally 24-7 one on one like nothing else can be in your life–ever.  I AM here and no matter where you are or go I AM here.  You can ditch Me, lose ME.  I won’t press you or force you to want ME, but I AM here.  I AM seeking My own for better or for worse–I STAY closer than a brother.  There’s no one that knows you BUT ME.  I AM GOD and there’s not anything that I don’t know.  Oh man thinks he hides from ME and can’t see ME, but he plays peek-a-boo with himself for I AM SEEING ALL, KNOWING ALL, HEARING ALL.  SO just be with ME.  Be who you really are.  No more pretense–I already know.  You can be totally and completely real with ME.  I love you and want you to know ME and be completely at EASE in ME.  I will be your all in all.  I have it all.  Everything that concerns you I have if you will TRUST ME you will find that I have it all and know more than you do what should be.  I have the plans and AM bringing them forth for you.  You can TRUST ME in all things.  You worry your mind back and forth struggling to fix, defend, explain, monitor, head off, protect, keep safe and you cannot.  ONLY I your FATHER can do these things for you because I AM GOD.  I AM KING.  I AM here among you and will do what I know is best.  I ask you to TRUST ME like you never have before.  I ask you to quit stressing over things.  Start believing that the moment you are in is My plan for you.  I AM there in it with you.  What is happening right now?  It has come through My hedge and been allowed by ME.  You are thinking that you missed something important.  Did you?  Would I have pushed you forward as you sought My will?  YES.  I will order your steps have told you that and you have quoted ME hundreds of times.  When will you believe it for your self and quit stressing over these things.  YES.  I told you to quit placating.  You have done it since born.  NO MORE.  It is done now in My Name.  JESUS!  I call you to My self and no one else.  Whatever you find your self in as you follow ME will be exactly what I desire and all else can be let go. You cannot worry what others think or feel.  It will not always be possible for you to placate and that has driven you almost mad in your life.  NO MORE.  Let it all go.  LET GO.  Pry your hands and mind off of things and people that you stress over with scenario practices of what you will say and do that means nothing and never happens anyway.  SEE IT.  You must let go.  I AM helping you to let go, relax, sit down with ME here and be at REST in all things.  YES–things trouble you and you explode–because you fear things that will not be.  Your anger comes out of fears and things buried inside.  NO MORE.  I AM setting you free of you!  Yes you are your problem.  SELF has controlled out of control for too long.  You will find you in ME.  COME.  BE STILL and know that I AM GOD.  Your Father.  I love you.  MY SON came and fulfilled My love’s desire for you to be returned to fellowship with ME.  HE longs for you to know ME as HE DOES.  Come and find ME through Him.  Live and move and have your being in JESUS, in ME.  We are one.  Yes you and I–GOD.  Is there anything more wonderful than this.  You are typing My personal wonderful words to you right now and all who will read our conversation too.  ALL are MINE!  I love you.  COME!  I will speak to all who will listen.  I will make My SELF known to all who seek ME.  Turn off the sound of the world and you will hear My voice.  I SPEAK!  I AM GOD.  COME!

Categories: Uncategorized.


August 30, 2014

You are struggling right NOW with something great that’s troubling you and there’s nothing you can do about it but TRUST ME!  You are finding it hard to calm and quiet your mind and heart and TRUST ME with this situation.  I have just sent you a large HAWK to sit on the swing set this morning during his migration period in order to prove MY care to you right NOW.  I know your thoughts and I AM IN CHARGE.  IN CONTROL of all things.  Hawk EYEs are famous for seeing!  YET I SAY about MY SELF–GOD, your Father, Lord, and King that I SEE ALL THINGS.  Nothing is out of MY sight.  So on this day when the hawk reminds you of sight–who’s will you trust, yours or MINE?  I AM GOD and there is no other.  I know you fear for the child’s safety and as you should.  BUT PRAY and trust ME completely with this situation not out of MY sight for one minute and completely known to ME at all times.  I HAVE things in better control than you think from what you see and perceive to be happening in the earth.  It does look at times that I AM not here–BUT I AM!  I AM!  I AM working My miracles on their behalf and doing MY plans in the earth which are great and supersede all that man can think up or try to pull off.  I HAVE MY OWN GOD SIZED WAYS OF MEETING MAN HEAD ON AND FACE TO FACE WHEN THE MOMENT IS PRECISE.  Will you trust ME in this situation that you find yourself in TODAY.  There is no other moment but NOW and I ask you to trust ME NOW.  This is a difficult task for you I know.  You want to help, protect, do something, anything right now.  BUT you cannot move.  Do not show your hand!  TRUST ME in this situation and stay out of the way as I work and do things so that all enemies will be destroyed forever as in Ex. 14:13-14.  You will see this enemy no more.  I AM GOD and no one can come against ME when I set MY hand to do it.  I have assured you of My presence with and therefore, you can rest assured that I AM there and do not lie.  I have all things in MY care and I DO SEE.  So trust that I AM working all things out for GOOD in this situation.  You can believe these words today from ME into your life and purpose and plan from ME.  COME and be not afraid.  TRUST ME and see that I AM who I say that I AM.  I AM GOD.  I AM JESUS.  I AM KING.  I AM LORD and no man can come against MY HAND.  I SIT in unapproachable light at all times and therefore, the enemy cannot see what I AM doing.  MY PURPOSES will be accomplished.  I FINISHED the work and it will be seen by you soon enough.  TRUST ME.  COME.  I LOVE you–ALL.

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August 3, 2014

What is HEALTH!  Is it what the world says, or ME!?  I AM health and healing!  You can spend your entire life seeking health and waste everything that I have planned for you this day and all others.  Health is a state of being in ME.  I AM GOD and life and health come from ME to you.  You do not keep your SELF alive or well or healthy.  You cannot make your heart beat.  You cannot give your SELF breath.  ALL LIFE COMES FROM ME TO YOU!  You don’t have to believe it, but some day you will KNOW IT!  I have come that you may have life and have it more abundantly.  ALL LIFE is found in ME.  I don’t care who you are or what you have or think you have.  You are nothing apart from ME and what I have provided for you in the way of thinking, wisdom, provision, grace, and mercy.  Those who discover this truth live a fruitful amazing and wonderful adventure life with ME.  There is nothing accomplished apart from ME.  Now you say, what about all the things that have happened in the world, good and bad, and indifferent.  They still occur only with MY permission.  I AM God and there is no other and no one controls anything apart from ME.  So you may say that I AM responsible for evil in the world.  NO, but evil plays into MY GRAND HANDS AS I AM bringing about things that will astound and confound the wise among you.  There is nothing that I don’t know.  I know all things and I AM SEATED on MY THRONE.  I’m not standing, fretting, stewing, or wondering “what in the world am I going to do about this.  I AM the ALPHA and the OMEGA.  I Am the beginning and the end and I KNOW everything in between and everything there is to know because everything exists by MY WILL and MY WILL ONLY.  I AM! that I AM!  I have come to save you and given My Son’s precious life blood to raise you up with HIM on the last day.  So choose LIFE–choose ME.  I AM GOD and I LOVE YOU MORE THAN YOU WILL EVER COMPREHEND FOR ALL OF ETERNITY.  MY love is true and pure.  It is not earthly love.  COME and TRUST ME and MY LOVE.  No matter what you have experienced here in your life time–long or short, good or bad–come to ME and I will answer you and tell you things you do not KNOW.  I AM JESUS and I have so much to share with you when you are able to bear the weight of it in your soul and spirit.  Come and follow ME and find your life!  It is Good and it is WAITING for you.  I LOVE you!

Categories: Uncategorized.


June 25, 2014

You cannot change what I have said. I AM GOD and there is no other.  There is One God, One Lord, One Christ, JESUS, MY SON, KING OF KINGS and LORD OF LORDS.  He IS Coming again!  Are you ready?  What do you know?  I have said:

I AM the TRUTH, the LIFE, the WAY and No man comes to the Father but by ME.

I came to bring Life and life more abundant.


I Speak to My Sheep and they Follow ME.

I Declared “IT” FINISHED!  The veil was torn to make the way clear to ME.

I breathed My Spirit into them the day I arose.  I showed them My wounds healed–well!  I told them to wait for the gift to come.  My Spirit brought them dunamis power of the resurrection to the greater works that I had predicted would be done by My followers.  That is you.

I place you in the earth exactly where you live.  Your life and times are in My hands and all your days are numbered before one of them comes to be.

My footprints form your pathway in the earth.

I AM HERE with you.  I dwell with you.  You live and move and have your being in ME.  I knock at the door and wait for you to open the door and I will come in and eat with you.  I prepare a table before you in the presence of your enemies.

You have been given My armor to wear in your life in the earth.  I have defeated your foes one by one as needed.  Only you give them returning access to plague and torment you.  I have declared you free in My NAME.  My blood washes you clean, cleanses your soul, restores you to REST and PEACE and JOY.

I love you beyond what human words can contain.  For My Father so loves you, the world, that He gave ME, His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in ME will not perish, but have everlasting life.  I give you life and breath.  I decide, have plans, wait for you to want ME above all else.

He who holds onto his life loses it, but he who loses, gives up, surrenders his life and will to Me, gains his life and so much more than words can ever express.  I AM your great reward.  How can there be anything greater than GOD HIM SELF–ME.

I call you MINE.  I declare that My Bride is My Church, My Body in the earth.  It has nothing to do with man’s institutions planted in his name around the globe.  It has everything and only to do with MY SON, JESUS, YESHUA, MESSIAH, IMMANUEL, PRINCE OF PEACE.  GOD THE SON!  The Holy Spirit declares Him to you 24-7 everywhere you look I AM.

I AM in everything that exists because nothing exists apart from Me and no one does anything apart from ME.  I AM ALL wisdom and no man does anything on his own.  He receives gifts from ME to benefit all My children in the earth.  I AM LIFE and HEALTH to you. My Words bring ME to you.  I speak to you in your spirit and your spirit responds to ME.  To deny ME is to deny your self, for you are made in My IMAGE.  I made you, created you.  There is only one of you.  No two are alike.  Therefore, nothing can be compared or measured by each other, for all are one of a kind designs formed by My hand in the womb.  I DO IT!  I AM GOD!

I love you.  I long for you to believe in ME and journey with ME 24-7.  I AM your Friend, your Counselor.  I long to lead and guide you into all things that have been planted in you as treasure for you and others who you come in contact with in the earth.  COME to ME and find ME all that you have been seeking and desiring.  There is nothing you need do.  I AM ALL and have done ALL to bring you back to ME, to restore your fellowship with ME robbed from Adam and Eve, My precious children.  I promised that I would come and strike the serpents head–I DID!  IT IS FINISHED!  All you need do is BELIEVE and FOLLOW!

It will prove a rugged road at times but worth every step you take with ME.  My heart longs for you.  My mind is filled with thoughts of you 24-7.  I never take My eyes off of you.  I AM right here.  You can talk to ME 24-7.  There is nothing between us but you.  You are the only thing that stands in the way.  Your sin has been covered  in My Blood atonement.  If you think not, then you say to ME that your sin is greater than the value of My Son’s Blood given at such a price for ALL.  Don’t doubt the truth I speak to you.  COME and FIND YOUR LIFE!  I LOVE YOU!  Quit trying, striving to fix what you’ve done or atone on your own.  You cannot.  The price has been paid.  Your bill is wiped clean.  I AM A FREE GIFT!  Take ME!  PLEASE.  I LOVE YOU!

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