August 30, 2014

You are struggling right NOW with something great that’s troubling you and there’s nothing you can do about it but TRUST ME!  You are finding it hard to calm and quiet your mind and heart and TRUST ME with this situation.  I have just sent you a large HAWK to sit on the swing set this morning during his migration period in order to prove MY care to you right NOW.  I know your thoughts and I AM IN CHARGE.  IN CONTROL of all things.  Hawk EYEs are famous for seeing!  YET I SAY about MY SELF–GOD, your Father, Lord, and King that I SEE ALL THINGS.  Nothing is out of MY sight.  So on this day when the hawk reminds you of sight–who’s will you trust, yours or MINE?  I AM GOD and there is no other.  I know you fear for the child’s safety and as you should.  BUT PRAY and trust ME completely with this situation not out of MY sight for one minute and completely known to ME at all times.  I HAVE things in better control than you think from what you see and perceive to be happening in the earth.  It does look at times that I AM not here–BUT I AM!  I AM!  I AM working My miracles on their behalf and doing MY plans in the earth which are great and supersede all that man can think up or try to pull off.  I HAVE MY OWN GOD SIZED WAYS OF MEETING MAN HEAD ON AND FACE TO FACE WHEN THE MOMENT IS PRECISE.  Will you trust ME in this situation that you find yourself in TODAY.  There is no other moment but NOW and I ask you to trust ME NOW.  This is a difficult task for you I know.  You want to help, protect, do something, anything right now.  BUT you cannot move.  Do not show your hand!  TRUST ME in this situation and stay out of the way as I work and do things so that all enemies will be destroyed forever as in Ex. 14:13-14.  You will see this enemy no more.  I AM GOD and no one can come against ME when I set MY hand to do it.  I have assured you of My presence with and therefore, you can rest assured that I AM there and do not lie.  I have all things in MY care and I DO SEE.  So trust that I AM working all things out for GOOD in this situation.  You can believe these words today from ME into your life and purpose and plan from ME.  COME and be not afraid.  TRUST ME and see that I AM who I say that I AM.  I AM GOD.  I AM JESUS.  I AM KING.  I AM LORD and no man can come against MY HAND.  I SIT in unapproachable light at all times and therefore, the enemy cannot see what I AM doing.  MY PURPOSES will be accomplished.  I FINISHED the work and it will be seen by you soon enough.  TRUST ME.  COME.  I LOVE you–ALL.

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