September 17, 2016

WELL!  Life is.  I am amazed again.  Thursday night I suddenly noticed that something else had popped up on my rose bush on the deck.  I went to look closer and there were 3 more brand new rose buds.  They have opened now and are hung in a little bundle with my first one drying.  He gave me 3 more gift roses, but had a HUGE message.  He said, “you often miss, don’t notice or disregard what you don’t see, because you don’t know.”  In high school my Biology teacher was amazing and my favorite teacher of all 13 years of schooling.  He made us repeat daily, “You only see what you know!”  I have never forgotten it and it is true.  I saw the first tiny rose gift and missed the other 3 because I didn’t know to look further in that moment for tiny green buds still coming.  He has told me that we–I do this with people and situations.  They are still in process–HIS growth season–not mine.  They will bloom and blossom under HIS care for his reasons and in HIS time.  I need to love and be patient and give HIM the true gardener time to work, prune, nourish, water, shine light upon and bring forth.  He is unending in His ability to apply Himself to life because HE is life.  He is Shepherd with Sheep, Water to Thirst, Food and meat for the hungry, Milk for babes, Sun of Righteousness with healing in His wings, Savior, Friend, King, Lord, God.  I have been thrilled with my little roses this week.

I hear His voice saying, “are you as thrilled with MY little roses–people still in the growth process?  Don’t write them off or shun, or think ME done.  Wait upon Me.  Come to Me when you need help and answers in regards to people in your life.  You cannot control things–I DO!  Quit trying.  Leave it all to ME.  I have you and them.  Pray for them about everything.  Don’t run your mouth in anger, frustration, berating, etc.  Love them as I do.  You will know from now on as you listen and obey and follow Me more closely every day.  You are learning from Me how to treat, care, tend, love Mine, as I do you.  No more shame for you or them.  I removed it all.  TRUST ME to DO MY WORK in you and them and all circumstances happening in your life.  All is well and good and you can REST assured that it is SO!

Last night we watched the movie “RISEN” and I was in tears, just sitting and starring by the end.  I’m going to watch again today before I return it.  It has shown ME more of His love and power.  HE IS GOD AND LORD AND KING AND FRIEND AND COMING BRIDEGROOM!  Get ready.  Be alert, awake, prepared in your spirit–One with Him excited and ready to SEE HIM in person.  He is coming Soon–quickly He says in Revelation 22.  Until that moment HE promised “I AM WITH YOU ALWAYS!”  What more could we possibly need than Him.

Categories: God's Messages, Know, Life, Love, Trust.

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I AM the I AM

September 13, 2016

I AM GOD, your Father, your King, your Lord and your Life–all of it exists in ME alone.  I know you know this NOW and want to know ME more.  Yes I AM here with you and I love your devotion to our friendship.  It is what I value most.  I long for each of you to want ME most of all above all things on earth.  Seek time with ME and believe in ME and MY ability to do all things and find yourself astonished.  YES I CAN…just ask ME.  Trust ME more and believe that I WILL and know best what is for you with ME.  When it seems strange, don’t fret or fear wait and SEE what I  AM about to do for you, through you, in you!

Thank you JESUS you are my BEST Friend, Precious 24-7 companion.  I love you so much.  I needed to mow the lawn tonight and you knew about the healing you are perfecting in my knee.  I wasn’t sure but trusted you to help me.  I had put mowing it off for several days and it couldn’t go longer and no one else was able.  I put the Blue Emu cream on that a friend suggested, went out and for 50 minutes mowed the lawn with no pain.  It was amazing and all I could say was it was a miracle and thank you.  You are still healing me, but you knew it needed to be done and literally provided strength in my weak areas.  My fear  left immediately as I began the first row realizing the discomfort I expected and inability was completely gone. You also held off the rain so I could finish. Tonight I’m believing you for complete healing for both of us.  It has made me pray for others.  While mowing you told me that my pain was helping me have sympathy for others.  You didn’t cause it, but you have used it for lessons being learned.  You are THE GREAT PHYSICIAN and that is what you do.  You love for us to believe in You as doctor.  To come to You for our health and healing first, not last.  The woman had spent 12 years going to every doctor, spending all she had and nothing worked until she decided to go OUT against all rules and boundaries, traditions, beliefs, to slip through the crowd and with faith touch your garment–which no one but family was allowed to do.  Then you turned knowing it all, but asked her to step out and speak her faith publicly.  She did and in that moment You declared her Your daughter!  WOW!  Your love and power and plans and peace and joy are waiting for us every moment of every day.  I have to pay attention!  I have to hear Your voice.  I have to look at my thoughts, my actions, and come to You immediately for help or forgiveness or wisdom to live like You and with You.  Flesh screams for self and spirit calls out to You!   I met with a precious friend last night who is always joyful, always gracious and she shared that she just lives in constant communication with You.  Asking You for help, listening and doing what You say.  She may think something but immediately You tell her and she listens.  She lets You lead her day, praying at all turns and moments of the day.  She knows there are people who don’t like her because she is always joyful, different–peculiar which You said we should be.  You tell her to breathe You in and then breathe You out.  She does!  Thank You for her in my life and change me, teach me, use me.  My mouth has been berating, judging, when you want to love and show compassion.  Change me Jesus.  Thank you for helping me mow the lawn and for always being there.  You never leave.  Amazing!

YES it is!  I AM here and you are MINE.  I paid a high price for you–My LIFE–so you can live free.  Come on, let’s keep walking together, you and ME!  So many around you have no clue about ME.  I AM not religion.  I AM Father, God, King, longing for relationship restoration with you forever.  COME and help ME share with others this LOVE that I AM!


Categories: God's Messages, Hear, Know, Life, Love, Trust.

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September 11, 2016


HE–Father, Jesus, Holy Spirit keeps telling me to write–tell what He says.  Up till now this blog has been all HIS words only.  I believe He wants me to share our conversations and how HE affects my life–HIS STORY–My testimony.  So it will be more personal from here forward. You will also hear directly from Him too and you will be able to know the difference.  ENJOY!  and Get ready for more intimate conversations in your own life.  That’s absolutely HIS DESIRE!

For many years now I journal what He tells me and my book and this blog have been Him speaking in that moment as I typed.  I absolutely love this with Him.  He wants to talk to all of us and be the leader of our day, ordering our steps, helping us through, speaking truth in ways that astonish, stun, and silence us to AWE in HIS PRESENCE.

Yesterday I woke up with such pain in my knee that I lay there trying to think how was I going to get all my Saturday chores done before work again on Monday. The night before I had hyper-extended it. Fears were assailing me from every angle.  I was asking Jesus to heal my knee and help me in the middle of my angst.  Before I opened my eyes HE said, “put the knee brace on that you bought for your husband.”  I remembered immediately that it was supposed to have real benefits, but where had I put it.  Then HE showed me exactly the memory of placing it on the closet shelf with all the other athletic items.  I got up and put it on.  I started moving through the morning, doing one chore after another.  I used coconut oil, lavender, Advil, everything I could think of.  I kept moving as they say to do and got all the chores done by mid afternoon.  Was there still pain–yes!  But laying in bed that morning there was no way in my mind that I would accomplish all that HE had just helped me get done.  I was amazed.  This included making a big breakfast for my husband, cleaning the house, laundry, ironing–everything.  I was up and down stairs so many times I started being strategic about my trips.  My WAR ROOM for prayer and piano are down in the basement and I hadn’t done that for awhile, so I played and prayed waiting for washer/dryer cycles to finish just to avoid more stairs.  I didn’t go slow, but felt HIM say keep moving as if everything is fine.  So I did!  Now it was time to finally sit down in a chair and hem 3 pair of new pants that HE had helped me find earlier in the week.  I knew I had to cut the current hem off and then fold up the hem the same length again and it would be just about right.  I had thought about doing the assembly line process–cut all the hems off and then pin, and then sew.  However, I did only one pair first which I’d tried on, knew was almost 3 inches too long and so ASSUMED they all were the same.  However, before cutting the next pair the LORD said, try each pair on.  I thought that was unnecessary, especially with my knee, but did it.  I was surprised to find that pair number 2 fit perfectly.  Then pair number 3 was also perfect.  I was shocked.  By trying them on I learned that they were different and only the one pair actually had to be hemmed.  I told my husband–do you believe this.  HE just spared me from literally ruining 2 pair of pants.  If I’d cut them all the same at the beginning, the 2 would have been too short to wear.  I was so grateful, so amazed.  HE also knows that I don’t like to sew or hem and with all that I had done with His help that day, this was a blessing.  I WAS DONE!  It was then that I noticed the pants were not the same sizes.  The 2 pair were “short” and not “regular” in length–already sized perfectly for me.  I had not noticed that when purchasing–but HE did.  At the store I had been in a hurry, had tried on several pairs and had some in my hand to purchase.  I had put off buying pants for probably the last 10 years–yes for real!  He led me to a corner of the store I hadn’t noticed and I found these perfect dress pants.  YUP!  Perfectly sized for me.  The funny thing is, that later that night I had almost returned them thinking I should not spend the money.  But HE stopped me–knowing I needed them for work.  WOW! He has always promised to provide and show me what to wear.  He shopped for me.  Amazing.


Yes!  I do care about every aspect of your life.  I know everything about you and you cannot out do ME ever.  I AM here and well and alive and I need you to trust ME and believe ME and do exactly what I tell you to do.  Don’t be afraid of anything.  Don’t rationalize with your mind.  LISTEN, HEAR, OBEY and discover joys with ME that will fill you up to overflowing.  Even when it’s tough, you can do it with ME.  YES I love you all.  I know you personally.  This story is your’s too!  Keep coming, believing ME and receiving all that I have for you each day.  Notice ME.  Open your eyes and ears and heart to really believe that it is ME.  Things don’t just happen.  I AM GOD and I AM in charge.  Thank Me and let’s enjoy your life together!

Categories: Know, Life, Trust.

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January 1, 2016

I AM the HEAD of My Body the Church, My Bride and as HEAD I cannot be touched or defeated.  I AM GOD and there is no other and so let go of your SELF and Hold on to ME.  I AM THE HEAD.  Do not call your life precious for if you do, you will lose it.  Hold ME as your life and find it.  I have promised to give you life eternal which you have in ME if you are MINE.  I dwell among you in power and light.  I and the Father are ONE and we come to dwell with you–those who call us LORD and GOD.  All others are foolish in My sight–for they say in their minds and hearts that there is no god or I AM not HE!  Who does man think that he is to tell HIS MAKER HE IS NOT!  The foolishness of man is evident in the earth.  Men have come and gone for years and none of them exists.  I AM!  I AM HERE and never came to be and never will be gone.  I AM!  I have said it and I AM TRUTH and all that IS!  I AM All in ALL and nothing exists apart from ME.  All that IS exists because I say SO!  I have called you to MY SELF because I AM GOD and I AM Love–not as man knows–a love that is pure and holy and truth and complete and cares and nurtures, helps and provides, and never ends.  I AM seeking MY own those who want ME and have not found ME yet.  I FIND YOU!  I Choose You!  Come and follow ME–JESUS and find that My Father is beyond anything you could ever hope to know.  I and the Father are One–I declared this and have proved it.  Those who follow ME know ME and KNOW I AM WHO I SAY THAT I AM!  Why do they give up their heads for ME?  Ask your SELF that question if you struggle to understand.  I AM real, alive, and I have promised and continue to speak to My own.  They KNOW ME.  They desire ME above all else.  Death cannot touch them for I have conquered death and it means HOME–ME–MY Presence immediately for those who let all go for ME.  I lead them here and they trust MY LEAD.  I bring them Home when things are ready.  There is nothing the earth can offer you for all comes from ME first.  Evil seeks to kill destroy and lies to cheat you of your HOME with ME here where Father dwells in unapproachable light so bright there is no night or dark or shadow.  We are cheering you on to finish your race, your journey here with ME for I have come to lead you HOME to ME.  I give you life and joy and peace and HELP here through My Holy Spirit who lives within and teaches you what you need to Know from day to day–ALL!  COME and find JESUS–ME–all that I say I AM!  Call to Me and I will answer you and tell you things you did not know.  Call to ME and find ME.  TRUST ME for I AM TRUST.  LOVE ME for I AM LOVE.  OBEY ME for I have obeyed My Father forever and I AM your great reward.  COME.  ALL IS WELL IN ME!  Do not look around you at what you see.  LOOK AT ME–GOD–JESUS, King of Kings, Lord of LORDS.  I AM the GOVERNMENT and will rule forever.  What is happening is all known in Father’s plan.  Man does not trump or prevail.  GOD IS IN CONTROL and IN CHARGE and you will see.  BELIEVE IN TRUTH!  I AM the truth, the life, the ONLY WAY!  COME and find all you have ever hope and dreamed for in ME–I AM JESUS.  I love you!   Come and follow ME!

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March 29, 2015

Best means 1st, top, All!  I  AM the All in ALL!  I have given MY best–ME to you!  I AM the BEST–LIFE is ME!  What are you doing with it right NOW?  Is your life worth living?  Is it your best?  Are you giving your best?  What does that mean?  I want you to give your SELF to ME right NOW, here, this day!  Your BEST will only be found in ME.  You can try your whole life but your BEST will always fall short because you are nothing apart from ME.  People think they are really something, but they are nothing without ME their God, their Father, their maker, their love.  They have no idea what they are striving for and looking for and wanting.  They try to stuff the world’s offerings in the places that need filled and all it is, is old stuffed filthy rags that just create more dark places, no light at all.  Can you see this picture, what I AM saying?  I AM the light of the world.  I came to give you life abundant full every day and with ME you will have it guaranteed and promised.  Apart from Me the journey remains dark, empty, ugly, evil, tiring, depressing, and junk worthy of the trash heap when life is over.  What merits you to gain everything the world has to offer you and more from the store and have nothing but heart aches inside that no one but you and ME know about.  I KNOW IT ALL.  I KNOW YOU inside and out and there’s nothing about you that I don’t already know, knew in fact before I made the world and placed you in it on the day of your conception.  Oh yes it is conception that brings you into life.  You have a meaning and exist because I choose to bring you forth.  Therefore, if you have made something in your life, who designed it gave it being?  You of course.  So tell me why do you think you made you and should be in charge of you?  Did you create you in your mother’s womb or decide when you’d come forth?  Did you decide to be and place yourself here in the earth?  Of course you know the answer and it shocks your system cold.  For you have not considered ME for who I really AM!  There’s nothing here that man has made without ME giving thoughts and actions to make it happen.  Believe ME when I say that I AM GOD and there is no other, no matter what man says or does.  He doesn’t have the answers apart from ME.  With ME I give you life and health, eternal here with ME.  It’s what man seeks, to prolong life but it is futile waste.  I AM LIFE and it only exists in ME and with ME.  That is why I came to give you life eternal and paid the price to cover all man’s sin.  Rebellion is a spirit that sucks out life within.  It keeps you wanting more of you and less and less of ME.  It makes you run away from ME and tells you lies for lies.  There’s not one ounce of truth in it, rebellion is the flesh at war with ME.  For I AM here have come to reason and make sense of things for you who come and dwell with ME and know ME as your own.  But those who rise up to their height of no account to ME, think they are strong and mighty in their own plans made to see.  I CALL TO YOU, TO ALL OF YOU to come to ME and quick.  For I AM coming soon to earth and will not tarry long.  I’ve waited long and interceded just for you to be a part of My great BRIDE, MY love.  I AM coming back to see!  I want you with ME, part of ME, MY Church, My BRIDE, for ME.  Come seek ME out and you will find that I AM here with you.  I love you and I wait for you.  I pray for you to see that all you’ve done and chased and seen’s been nothing but illusion.  It vanishes in MY PRESENCE for I AM GOD and I AM TRUTH.  I AM LIFE.  I AM THE ONLY WAY to life eternal.  All this other stuff man thinks up, follows, does, has no baring on reality and will be soon shown for what it is.  All lies, deceptions from satan to destroy the men and women following what is not of ME to their own death and destruction.  I have given All Glory and All Power to My Son and His name is JESUS, KING OF KINGS, LORD ETERNAL.   There is no one beside ME.  I AM GOD ALMIGHTY.  Come find your life and all you have ever desired in ME.  I AM waiting to welcome you HOME–MY CHILD!  COME!

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July 11, 2013

Yes!  Ask all the questions you want?  It’s still ME–GOD!  I hear you and your thoughts wondering what in the world–how can this possibly be true?  However, if you know My words, you know that I said I would not leave you orphans.  I breathed My own Spirit into you and you know have My presence dwelling in you and with you.  I have longed for this relationship with you since before the foundations of the world were made and you existed in My heart.  My love has been there for you all along.  I have never ever stopped.  I AM always with you, no matter where you go or what you do, I AM THERE!  I do love you and want to walk and talk with you all day long.  I can help you in your job.  I can help you with your kids.  I can help you save your marriage, because it’s Mine, not yours to give.  I can supply all your needs, for I own all that exists.  I can change the hearts of kings and presidents and all men in the earth.  Try ME and see if what I say to you this day is TRUE!  I cannot lie.  I know that you doubt because of all that you’ve seen.  However, you can fully 100 percent TRUST ME in all things with your life and your love.  Give ME your hand and walk out with Me.  You will find that you are not alone, never were.  Though you feel worthless at times, it is not so.  Your value demanded My life to redeem you for My own.  I love you.  Come and be friends with Me.  You will never have another closer than I AM.  I will share your skin.  I become ONE in spirit with you.  I AM the SON and greater than you know.  Come and discover all that I AM for you and to you and through you.  Love is on the wings of the prayers you’ve been saying that no one but ME knows!  I do hear you.  COME!

Categories: Hear, Know, Life, Love, Trust, Uncategorized.

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