April 5, 2014

You took a trip to Nowhere today.  The place you thought was there, was not, gone, closed up, not in business anymore!  Why you wondered?  What happened?  They were the best kept secret in the area.  You had waited for this day to show her something special.  The drive was bright and sunny and the roads were dry and clear.  The path was straight to nowhere, though the town is there for sure.  You laughed but you were pondering and wondering just the same.  What happened to the people, all the workers, owners, shops; the visitors who used to come from far and wide to see?  See what?  You have waited several years to go and show her something new, but found that there was nothing there, all empty, nothing new.  It left you feeling strange inside, you turned around abrupt.  You drove away in memory of the past days you’d enjoyed.  You talked to ME and asked Me why?  It really made you think, how time and life can change so fast, be gone in just a wink.  The people who were there before so animated too, where did they go, what happened then, that all is gone and lost?  See!  This is what you must seek out.  You’ve thought to come before, and not too long ago had called and found they closed at 4:00p.m.  So you had no idea that they closed up shops and stores, and nothing’s there to drive there for, you went to NOWHERE!  NOWHERE is NOW and HERE–what’s really NOW and HERE?  You spent the day with Me and her and I had planned the way.  You went to try to find the Mall, were told that it was in another town, and then you laughed out loud.  For now you’d driven further yet and still there was NOWHERE!  A day of traveling around and finding NOWHERE fast!  You stopped, you ate, you prayed for ME to lead you as you laughed out loud together.  The sun was bright, you traveled on, she shopped and bought at prices so much better.  And then you sought the Castle out, you’d seen it at a distance.  You’d lived here NOW for 15 years and never taken time, to drive around and look up close at what you’d seen afar.  This whole grand day has been a journey unexpected finds, not at all what you had planned, but I knew all along.  The greatest thing to realize is that what seems important is not, and what seems not, is!  The NOW–HERE, NOWHERE right in front is all that matters most.  For in the present NOW HERE you discovered, talked, and laughed.  The things you did today were cast down from My throne to you.  I knew your heart and met the need, just different than you sought.  So even trips that seem to lead to NOWHERE NOW are ME.  NOWHERE is about right NOW, the people right in front of you, the ones you often miss.  You had a day that seemed to say that you had messed up big.  But what you really did was see that NOWHERE’s here with ME.  I AM everywhere you go, no matter what you SEE.  You can trust that I’M with you and leading, guiding, stay!  I knew your path would take some twists and turns throughout this day.  The best for ME was watching you as you had fun and laughed.  You made it fun, did not get mad, and realized in your heart.  That all along you’d prayed for time to spend with her apart.  Look at the plan that fell in place NOW as the day is done.  You talked and laughed and had more fun than if your plan had worked.  So trust ME more and more and Thank ME for the memories made.  I love you all so much right NOW–HERE day and night the same.  For I AM never sleeping always watching you and thinking.  I AM GOD and love you totally, My child come be with ME.  NOW–HERE!  TRUST ME and take a trip with ME to NOWHERE–NOW HERE!

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