Yes! What do you want?

January 31, 2012

This is what most people think about ME! That I Am an ogre up in the sky who shouts back with an impatient “What do you want?” That couldn’t be further from the truth of who I AM! Do you really care to know who I AM or are you content to keep listening to the voices around you making the decision for you. This is a person journey. I AM a personal God. I do things one on one with you, alone, and between us. Some things are for everyone and enjoyed by everyone, but for the most part My love relationship with you as My child is personal, intimate, secretive, stealth, perfected, precise, designed to fit you personally into abundant life with Me moment by moment of every day. There’s nothing like it on planet earth. I can promise you that nothing there can ever compete with Me and who I AM and want to be in your life if you will allow Me the great privilege of being your Dad–Father. For some that scrapes a nerve because they already have a great Dad. For others it makes them angry, they hate even the concept of Father. But you have not met ME if either case is true. I gave you your earthly Dad by bloodline and geneology as you refer to it. However, your true bloodline is from Me through Adam and Noah and on down to you. You are made in My image and it is stamped all over you inside and out. Check out Laminin and see what you think then if you doubt Me. I AM creator of all things, including you, your dad, and everyone else you know. There is no one greater than I AM. I will define you and release you. My plans and time are perfected over you. You have to desire to have My purposes for your life, then we can work together you and I in the earth to accomplish greater things than you ever dreamed possible. Your dreams are mediocre compared to Mine for you. I made you. Come and see what I have in mind for you. Trust Me with your life. I love you completely My child.

Designed by Tim Sainburg from Brambling Design

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