November 15, 2012

Your name is attached to My Good Morning to you today.  Your life is Mine and I love you so much.  You are hearing Me and listening to Me more and more and that is complete joy to Me and Father.  We have so much to share with you and we long for every moment you spend with us here, tuned into Holy Spirit who is speaking to you right now as you write His words on this page for others to share in our table together.  My Glory is coming greater and greater in the earth.  You will see Me and hear Me more than you ever have before.  I AM brighter, easier to perceive.  LIGHT shining in the darkness around you–is Me!  I AM there.  I AM in the darkness.  The darkest places are bright light to Me because I AM there.  I AM LIGHT.  Where I AM there is no darkness at all, ever.  SO do not be afraid to go where I direct for in that place you will find Me working and hearts ready and receptive to My voice in you.  Your words will be Mine coming forth with life and health to all flesh.  All are seeking something and many do not have a clue where to look.  But no one likes to look in the dark and stumble and fall and get hurt.  So you are the light walking into that place and suddenly their eyes perceive that something is different, things are changing.  I AM!  Do you see what this is about.  This is not about you, but Me in you coming forth in the earth wherever I want to be; where My lost ones are.  They are My children, MINE!  I have called them with an everlasting love that does not quit, give up, or walk away.  I AM here and I’m not going away or leaving you forsaken.  I have made you Mine at a great price, My own blood.  Therefore, tell MY STORY in the earth everywhere you go.  Be bold.  Hold to the truth that you know and love–ME.  I AM THE TRUTH, THE LIFE, THE WAY–out of all evils that have captivated you, held you prisoner for so long, bound in shackles and chains of your own making and those put upon you by others who should have loved you and helped you.  This is the condition you find your SELF in.  Get over your SELF and come to Me.  Climb right on past SELF’s warnings, lies that have kept you bound in SELF’s protective pride against everything you think is weird, but is ME!  I AM GOD!  I AM the one and only God, LORD, KING, Creator of all things and I call you to My SELF.  There is life and love and wholeness and freedom like you’ve never known before in ME.  It is not as the world or religious describe in their ways and traditions, not of ME.  My ways are full of love and excitement and joy and peace and they are STRONG on your behalf.  I AM all powerful, all mighty, in charge of all. I control ALL THINGS!  There is nothing apart from ME.  Nothing exists but by MY HAND!  Man is not in charge, nor is he his own keeper.   The arrogance of man is sin against a Holy GOD.  We are ONE, Father and Son and Spirit and we are One with you in spirit.  We love you and work among you Our great plans coming forth which supersede all else in the earth and in all that there is.  I AM the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End.  Of My Kingdom there is no End.  Forever, eternal God and Creator and Lord of All.  I have loved you with an everlasting love and call you to My Self to live and dine with you, with ME.  COME!  That is always My cry to you with great joy upon My face–I call out to you again and again, COME!  Do not run away in fear, but Come to me and find Me everything you ever hoped or dreamed of.  I AM GOD!  COME!

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