December 7, 2012

When you feel silly for over reacting, confusing, or stressing for nothing, just REST!  STOP and release it and don’t get caught up in how you feel in your flesh.  Pride interferes, makes you feel that your less than what I created you to be.  Sounds funny doesn’t it.  Pride works contrary to you no matter what.  Flesh is SELF and SELF is where Pride dwells.  Pride stands before Me and shouts how great you are to defend you and make you feel good about SELF.  Pride is the mask that we wear to cover who we really are.  Pride is false, a complete lie.  That is why I hate pride in all of its facets.  It drags you down and builds you up and keeps you from the truth.  So if you feel silly over something you have done, come talk to ME about it and we’ll deal with it together.  Sometimes the very best thing is the silliness you feel because it will help to train you so the future will be different.  When nothing is learned and nothing is gained, Pride is at work to keep you from seeing the truth of what’s needed.  It will keep you comfortable and help you rationalize your mistakes or arrogant behavior; which are opposite points of its destruction.  I know that you wonder what I’m saying but keep coming and you’ll find that when I speak it’s deep to deep.  Your spirit understands what My Spirit speaks to you.  Listen and hear what I’m saying and let your SELF go.  Don’t try to protect it, let everything go.  When you release You, you are stepping into freedom.  Humble your SELF under My Mighty hand and find your SELF in the grip of LOVE like you’ve never known before.  I AM Love and I AM grace.  Come and I’ll change your face from feeling shame and silliness to joy and peace and grace.  I love you, All of YOU!

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