December 13, 2012

How does that make you feel when I say that?  You are immediately comforted and a calm seeps over you.  You felt it when I spoke it to you.  That is what you need to remember all day and every day with Me.  I AM here, and nothing you are facing is beyond My help and comfort.  I KNOW ALL THINGS and have declared this to you time and again to replenish your heart with trust in place of turmoil and strife and constant struggle over things you cannot fix your self.  I AM GOD and therefore, you must come and trust ME with all these things you are concerned about.  Yes I know these lives and what is about to happen to them from moment to moment.  Yes you can trust Me not to lose My kids; which you are one.  Do you believe Me right now on this issue?  I know you have thoughts of guilt and anger and failure and loss and hope and concern and wondering what you can do and if you should do something and how to let go and let ME.  I see it all, know every thought you have on this issue.  I ask you to step aside and leave this matter to Me.  I know the past, present and future of every life.  I create them, I sustain them.  I know you think I do a poor job at times with things the way they happen here, but don’t forget My work, My plans are different in their scheme.  Yes, you think of Joseph and he is My example to you right now.  Total trauma was his life for many years and then I stepped into the light and all knew I was there with him.  He had never doubted Me, in fact leaned on Me for everything–his needs were always met.  So when he was brought forward before Pharoah and all was brought to light, it was My purpose coming forth and all were saved because of it, no other way would work.  Do you believe Me in this path I choose for you and others too? You must not do what I don’t ask, for then you mess with Me.  I have a plan, have promised it; and know the future too.  So if I do and promise you, then why the downcast trust?  You doubt My capabiilty to fix it right, your way!  That is the bottom line, you fear what I will do.  Your trust is based on what you want, not what I plan; the best, so REST!  DO YOU?  When you are troubled, doubting Me and what you see amiss, your trust is slammed onto the ground by fear of Me and what I’ll do.  SEE IT!   Do you love Me?  If you love Me you will trust Me.  You will believe that I do all I say and more than you could ever dream or hope, so STOP the struggles, gloom.  My JOY resides inside of you, but you decide your mood.  It comes from you and not from ME for Mine is always great!  I AM love, I AM joy, I AM peace, I AM!  So decide to come and sit with Me and rest from all your stress.  NO MORE!  LET IT ALL GO.  I know it involves people you love and feel you failed and judged.  So come to Me and give Me all that you thought you could do.  I’ll fix the mess, I always do and you will be blessed, refreshed.  COME!

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