This book grabs your attention because it’s personal. As I typed God’s words to me in December 2009 I was blown away by how much He cares about us and He used language and clichés’ common to my era. At first I thought it was just me getting in the way of His words, but He would clarify and do or say something so profound that I would know immediately it was Him. Keep typing He’d say. So on we’d go.
By the end of the book, I just sat back and had no words to explain what I felt. The book had been done from start to finish in less than 15 days and in plenty of time for Christmas. We moved at a pace beyond my own ability. Many of His words would strike me so personally, that I would just sit and stare at the page. There are others writing similar books and recording His words to us, and they feel the same way. God is real and He really does love us and wants us. He’s not mad at us or waiting to bring the hammer down. The hammer and nails were worn by Jesus for all of us forever.
What still is awesome and amazes me is that it’s been almost 4 years now and when I read a daily entry in the book, it always has fresh new meaning for where my life is right now. When God speaks to us, His words have life and health in them, according to Proverbs chapter 4. God is God and knows ALL there is to know. So He can speak out words of life on to the page as I type for Him, that will still speak 20 years from now at the precise moment needed. No matter how many years pass, this book has great value. The book God Calling was written by two listeners almost 2 centuries ago. It is just as poignant today as when they penned His words to them.
He told me to always have people read their Birth date first; so that is stated in the beginning of the book. It usually gets people excited and motivated to want to hear more of what He has to say to them. My hope and prayer is that it excites people to sit down with their own journal and listen, hear, and write what He tells them.
One particularly funny entry for me is March 5. I heard Him say, “popcorn!” I thought I was hearing things, but He repeated it and I could almost hear Him laughing and smiling at my reaction. Here is the excerpt from “When God Speaks…He Says Amazing Things!”
March 5
Popcorn is a pleasure I created for your fun. Do you like it? Then enjoy it. Yes. Go make popcorn today and have some fun. You are too serious most days. Too busy, not My plan. I love you and love others, yes. I seek My own, but your life becomes too busy and you wind up like a spool too tight, bound up. I call you to let go today. I would often go off alone to be free for moments with Father. The world has such a vice grip. Run to Me. Stay clear. You can be in the world with Me, but not of it. There is a huge difference. I will lead you. Come follow Me.
His words continue to hit the bulls eye of my heart, mind, will, and emotions. He knows all there is to know about me and you. He made us and says that He knows our thoughts BEFORE we think them. Therefore, HE KNOWS and can speak exactly what is needed; encouragement, strength, love, correction, etc. July 29 is another example of how much He cares and is looking out for us.
He has a plan and no matter how traumatic life gets, HE is there in the middle of it with us.
July 29
Help is on the way! Be assured. I do not leave you orphans. I supply all your needs according to My riches in glory. I own all the cows in the earth and they bring great supply. Unlimited resources are Mine. So do not fret or cry this day. Come and find your rest in Me. I will take care of you. I have promised and I cannot lie. My supply is on the way. Look and listen! Wait and See! Be able to receive from Me what I will do for you! Don’t doubt, only Believe!
All I can say is get the book, keep it where you can grab it for a quick snack for your soul. He will speak to you. He KNOWS you completely.