Today WE have something to say to you–more HIM than me of course. We are sitting here with our bags packed waiting for the phone call that our new grandchild is on the way. We can’t wait. This child was placed by God in her womb as all children are. We don’t know who it is yet, but HE DOES! We don’t know if it’s a boy or girl, so we’re excited and ready for both. God planned, designed and created this child-person before the foundations of this world were laid into place. Before He spoke, “Let there be light” HE knew this child. That is the all sobering thought today for all of us. We were thought of, loved, designed, planned, wanted. NOW THING ABOUT THE TRUTH that God knows All things–ALL–everything that has ever been or will be. All that I would do and be was known to Him before He created me in my mother’s womb. Shocking, as my life has not been perfect, nor has yours I’m sure. The AMAZING LOVE thing is that in knowing everything I would do, say, or think, HE still chose and wanted me to BE! WOW! That TRUTH gives every one of us eternal value beyond the ability to measure or put a price tag on it. It’s funny. A little prince was born yesterday in England and a little prince or princess is coming our way too. That’s right. Man’s world has elevated the precious little boy born yesterday in England to the status of Prince through the line of Windsor. However, Jesus states in Revelation 1:6 that HE–GOD–has elevated each one of us who believe in Him and receive Him to the station of priests and kings–joint heirs of HIS KINGDOM. It’s beyond our understanding to fully comprehend what all this means–but HE IS SPEAKING!…
Yes! I AM speaking and I AM loving My children to Myself. I long, wait patiently for each one of you to discover that I AM all and who and what you’ve been seeking your whole life. You are made in MY IMAGE. MY own DNA as GOD runs through your cells, veins. You hear Me but don’t recognize My voice as yet. My sheep, which you are, HEAR MY VOICE and FOLLOW ME is what I declared when I was there actually walking among you on the earth for 33 years. I AM speaking and if you will take the time to listen, hear Me and get acquainted with ME you will talk and walk with Me 24-7. It is the greatest and most wonderful fellowship and relationship, created with great passion by MY Father who is LOVE for ME and for YOU! He has purposed it for all who will believe and come and join US! It is the most amazing, abundant, joy full, peace full life possible. It doesn’t mean there are no problems, traumas, things to press through. If you will look at My life portrayed on the pages of scripture in the gospels given by Me to My brothers to write down for you and chronicle parts of My life, you will see! I cried out daily here, I felt and experienced the pain of living human. I know what rejection and disappointment are. I was misunderstood and could not cross the line to help them understand and see who I truly was. I had to walk the Father’s plan and go on through the cross to open up the doorway wide for all of you to come back HOME to us! To release you from satan’s grip for all time and eternity. The choice is yours to choose ME over SELF. That’s all it is. SELF is Pride’s protection measure. Let all SELF die out and find your NEW life here in ME. Come Home to ME–be FREE!
Well there you have it for this day. Our thoughts shared with you. This is how you can talk with Him and enjoy His company. Amazing. God wants to be friends with us. HE is our FATHER and wants to be our friend. JESUS is our Savior, coming KING, wants to love us and be loved by us. WOW! CHECK HIM OUT. You will not be disappointed–EVER!