September 28, 2013

TRUTH is ME–GOD.  I AM Truth and life, the way.  I set free.  SELF deceives, is quick to defend and looks the other way in hopes of staying hidden in the fig leaves of SELF deception made by SELF to protect your SELF.  It is the foolishness of man’s own way.  I speak truth and life to you from morning until night, but few of you are listening, as you’re living out your lives.  Truth is truth and never changes.  Facts are facts and change with time.  I know the truth and it sets free, it always will, it comes from ME.  There’s nothing you can do to change the truth, but facts can change right now.  The truth remains, complete, when you are ready and you seek.  But most of you don’t want the truth, afraid that it will hurt.  Oh yes, My child, the truth can hurt, but OH WHAT IT CAN DO FOR YOU.  For I AM truth and I AM love and in ME there’s no darkness.  Nothing is able to hide or abide in My presence but TRUTH and LIGHT and LIFE and LOVE and MERCY and GRACE.  Therefore, what SELF has done will cause you to run and hide from ME–the TRUTH.  For SELF deceives, conceals, and hides and soon believes itself.  There’s nothing worse than one deceived, for they can’t see the TRUTH.  The TRUTH is life and sets you free, but Truth is light, exposes, causes deception to be seen by you and all around can know.  This is the greatest freedom coming to those who want to see the TRUTH and be set free by ME.  I KNOW it all, the things of lives, the things believed, deceived.  I long for you to come to Me and let Me shed My light.  My light is laser perfect and it comes with precision aim to cut the lies out of your mind, and heart and open up your eyes and will to believe, obey, and be set free.  This all sounds pious in the sky, but it is ME your God, your Friend, the one who made you, loves you knows.  I come and I can see just when you’re ready for the TRUTH.  I wait for you to ask Me, to help you be set free.  The TRUTH when told sets all those free who’ve been caught and taught the lies.  Oh yes it hurts to hear the TRUTH, but TRUTH is it’s own balm.  It’s ME.  I come when I know precisely when all things are primed and ready.  The TRUTH won’t crush, or bruise, or break, but totally destroy the fake.  The liar has deceived MY OWN and I have come to save.  To save from SELF DECEPTION PROTECTION AND PRIDE–the jig is up for I have died and paid the price to set you free of all the lies put forth.  When you are ready come to Me and we will set you free.  All those who’ve been deceived–BE FREE!  It’s amazing—come be free.  The prison doors of your own making, the walls of lies are breaking.  My Blood was shed, My body broken, to set you free–I’VE SPOKEN!  I YELLED OUT “IT IS FINISHED” FREE–My death claimed you back ME.  I came to life to live in you and you in ME, complete–ONE.  It’s time for all the stuff of you to go, make room for more of ME.  I come to give you life with ME, the King of Kings, has spoken.  To be with Me is joy complete, there’s nothing left unspoken.  What’s hidden is confessed to ME and then it’s gone and done!  Clean,  clear, pure, white, paid in FULL!  SELF is scared what will they think if TRUTH came out in open.  BUT TRUTH is here, it’s ME, your GOD and Father, LORD.  I stand and wait, for I AM love and love is patient–I can wait.  I wait for you to ask for help, decide for ME not you.  For you will always SELF-protect and keep the lie in place.  PLEASE COME MY CHILD and seek My face and let ME do My precious work, refining you to ME.   My image taking over you, My touch becoming you.  ONE–you and ME–it only comes in TRUTH!  COME!

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