April 6, 2014

Yes!  You’d seen it, viewed it from afar and wondered what it was.  You saw it from a distance max and wouldn’t venture close. You saw it, wondered, curious, but not enough to check.  You went on by and life went on from year to year to year.  The same old thing.  Sometimes you wouldn’t look, at other times would try to see if it was there still on the hill.  BUT yesterday was different, a completely mixed up day.  I say MIXED UP and you think mess, but I mean MIXED UP well.  So well that everything came together perfectly to make you want to see.  You couldn’t find the other places sought out all day long, but I had plans and led you well, from place to place, MY WAY!  Then as you traveled home again you thought of it today.  The Castle would be fun for her and then the sign was there.  It’s been there all the other times, you just didn’t notice because you weren’t really looking, not by yourself and he would not have stopped.  So you said it out loud to her, but more to you, you knew.  This was the day you chose to look, go closer, have a view.  You told her look off to the right and then she saw it too.  A CASTLE far upon a hill, she wondered as did you.  So you turned there at the first road sign, it pointed to the right.  You started driving down the road it turned now left then right and back again, a twisting, winding road.  You kept on going, seeing signs but not to close between.  You really had to want to see, the signs were spaced out wide.  You had to follow all the signs to reach the summit where it was, or else you would get lost.  The last sign pointed to the left, you turned and drove a little way, then there it was in front of you, the CASTLE in FULL View!  You’d seen it, wondered, 15 years and now you were beside. It was amazing just to think that someone built it there.  It could have been a residence you couldn’t tell but knew that now it’s used for Weddings, Brides, a well kept secret on the hill.  Secluded up upon the hill, it overlooks the Lake of the Clouds.  Trees block the sight of it from view as travelers fly on past in cars and trucks, on daily tasks, not knowing it is there.  They give it no attention, don’t look off to seek a view.  It isn’t any interest just a CASTLE on a hill.  But those who take the time to see and drive back for a view, find gorgeous landscape, winding roads, adventure, thrills, and more.  However, you both did agree the view from far was best!  Why?  What made it seem not right?  When you got close you saw the truth of what it really is.  It’s closed to you, you couldn’t go inside and take a view.  You almost felt you’d come upon a private property, not allowed, you felt you should drive on.  The owner wasn’t there to welcome you and ask you to come in.  No reservations had been made, you didn’t ring the bell.  You felt like you would trespass if you walked around to see.  You drove away and felt relief to see and know it’s there, but also felt let down deep inside, you wanted to see more.  This is what is happening I AM HERE, My KINGDOM’s real.  I AM the KING, My CASTLE’s ME and I invite you free.  There is no charge, I paid the price, I’ve opened up the door.  I ask you daily morning till night to come spend time with ME.  But few will come, down give a glance, don’t care that I AM HERE.  You wanted to see man’s little castle on the hill.  BUT I AM GOD, and I AM HERE, and I have all there is!  It takes intentional seeking ME, yes turning off the road, to follow ME and find ME all that I have promised you to be.  Yesterday was a picture for you of finding in the natural the truth of what is spiritual.  I AM HERE and I AM MORE than worth the effort that it took for you to see.  For I AM HERE so close in you, you only need to turn your heart and mind to ME wherever you are–I AM HERE.  You don’t need to drive to see, or leave right where you are.  For MY KINGDOM CASTLE is your heart and I AM HERE in you.  I’ve come to live inside of you and make your life MY HOME.  You become MY CASTLE, I AM the KING upon MY Throne.  For many this confuses them, they still don’t understand.  I knock upon the door of your heart, you answer let ME in.  From that moment on you live and move and have your being in ME.  I become the Master, owner, and oh what that can mean.  For I AM GOD and LORD of Lords and KING of Kings–I AM!  I bring all of who I AM to live with you HERE.  NOW HERE!  SEE.  Open your spiritual eyes to see that you are CASTLED HERE with ME.  I love you!  Enjoy this exciting view today!  You get it.  NOW you see!   It’s you and ME upon the hill of life where you NOW dwell.   I AM here invited in and you in ME to dwell.  The castle is no longer closed, this one is always open.  I AM here, I never leave or shut the down on you.  COME!  Enjoy life with ME.  I love you so very much–MY Bride.  Our Wedding day will come and sooner than you think!  TRUST ME!  Dwell with ME and seek to know ME MORE.

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