May 13, 2014

I asked Adam a question, and today I ask you.  What are you doing?  Do you know what you’re doing?  Do you see what is happening?  Do you have any idea that I AM here and waiting and watching and seeing and knowing All, and listening and hoping and wanting to help you, but you struggle your SELF to figure things out.  You make poor decisions based only on you.  You listen around you and try to fit in.  You manipulate, correlate, congratulate, confiscate, regurgitate, regulate, irritate, berate, hate!  You strive to be real, and be liked, and be loved.  I watch and I see it and know it all well.  My children have done this since Adam and Eve.  I AM here and I made you and have all the answers.  Yet you choose to think you can do things your SELF.  It’s always thought cute as you watch children grow, they toddle and fall as they learn how to walk.  They struggle to dress themselves, no do not help.  As parents you all know what I mean.  It’s amazing how early the SELF kicks right in, the thinking they don’t need your help–they begin.  It grows and it grows until teens will refuse to listen to reason or wisdom or sense.  Your heartache is deep and your love grows and grows as you long to help free them and show them the way.  This is a picture of Me and of you.  I AM your Father, your Papa, Creator, designer, perfector of you.  I made you, I know you and all you can do.  Yet few of you care or even think of Me here.  Your days are all filled up with things planned by you.  The world shouts the tune and you march right in step.  You actually think that you’re making it, successful, and proud.  But all that you feel is pulled left and yanked right.  You hardly have time for a kiss and goodnight.  There’s no time for listening or seeking ME out.  There’s nothing you need from ME, you have it all.  Are you sure?  What do you have?  What makes it seem right?  The questions I ask are because I love you.  I have plans and purposes built into you.  They are the things that will matter, make sense.  They are the things that bring joy, peace, content.  If you find that you’re tired, always racing about, with no time to enjoy the life ticking on by, then maybe it’s time for a “TIME OUT” with ME.  Come find a quiet spot and say, “HI! Dad!”  I AM here.  I AM waiting and listening and longing and loving you.  I know when you’ll come.  I orchestrate opportunities that provide you a chance.  I wait and I watch you to see if you’ll come.  It’s like luring a bird to come closer to you, they’re skittish and fly off as soon as you’re near.  BUT I AM here all the time, never leave you ever.  I have been here, I made you, and I’ll stay right here too.  I’m waiting for you to decide to come HOME.  To sit here with ME and let’s talk.  You can KNOW ME.  I have promised it to all who will come.  I AM here to help you have the best of the best.  I said it, and promised it, and purchased it ALL for you.  Come and find out if I AM real.  I will answer when you call.  In fact, I have said, that before you call, I will answer.  So I Am here answering the deep calling to deep.  For your spirit, the real you, cries out for My help.  The soul man, your flesh, your SELF must step back, step down, die out in order for your Spirit to live.  Spirit to Spirit, ONE with ME–GOD.  There’s no greater relationship in all of eternity.  I AM here.  I will heal you body, soul, and spirit.  BELIEVE ME.  COME!

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