August 3, 2014

What is HEALTH!  Is it what the world says, or ME!?  I AM health and healing!  You can spend your entire life seeking health and waste everything that I have planned for you this day and all others.  Health is a state of being in ME.  I AM GOD and life and health come from ME to you.  You do not keep your SELF alive or well or healthy.  You cannot make your heart beat.  You cannot give your SELF breath.  ALL LIFE COMES FROM ME TO YOU!  You don’t have to believe it, but some day you will KNOW IT!  I have come that you may have life and have it more abundantly.  ALL LIFE is found in ME.  I don’t care who you are or what you have or think you have.  You are nothing apart from ME and what I have provided for you in the way of thinking, wisdom, provision, grace, and mercy.  Those who discover this truth live a fruitful amazing and wonderful adventure life with ME.  There is nothing accomplished apart from ME.  Now you say, what about all the things that have happened in the world, good and bad, and indifferent.  They still occur only with MY permission.  I AM God and there is no other and no one controls anything apart from ME.  So you may say that I AM responsible for evil in the world.  NO, but evil plays into MY GRAND HANDS AS I AM bringing about things that will astound and confound the wise among you.  There is nothing that I don’t know.  I know all things and I AM SEATED on MY THRONE.  I’m not standing, fretting, stewing, or wondering “what in the world am I going to do about this.  I AM the ALPHA and the OMEGA.  I Am the beginning and the end and I KNOW everything in between and everything there is to know because everything exists by MY WILL and MY WILL ONLY.  I AM! that I AM!  I have come to save you and given My Son’s precious life blood to raise you up with HIM on the last day.  So choose LIFE–choose ME.  I AM GOD and I LOVE YOU MORE THAN YOU WILL EVER COMPREHEND FOR ALL OF ETERNITY.  MY love is true and pure.  It is not earthly love.  COME and TRUST ME and MY LOVE.  No matter what you have experienced here in your life time–long or short, good or bad–come to ME and I will answer you and tell you things you do not KNOW.  I AM JESUS and I have so much to share with you when you are able to bear the weight of it in your soul and spirit.  Come and follow ME and find your life!  It is Good and it is WAITING for you.  I LOVE you!

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