January 26, 2017

I love you and you are MINE, yes My child.  Why would it be any different if I AM GOD and I AM perfect and I AM LOVE, why would it be any different than this.  You learn from ME how to be.  I made you all.  All things exist by MY WORD only.  No man makes anything without My approval and guidance for My purposes in the earth.  Apart from ME you do nothing, fail.  I bless and I curse the evil that destroys MINE in the earth.  I AM here working on you all and in every area of your lives.  You can TRUST ME and KNOW that I do not fail.  All is well.  I spoke the truth of what would come to John in Revelation to his spirit that day on Patmos.  I do not leave you orphans.  I gave you My Spirit within you to dwell as My house within you.  No other god exists but ME.  I AM GOD alone.  It matters not what man thinks, he is the child created, not creator, GOD.  So someday all will bow to ME in adoration or in shame.  I long for all to KNOW ME, LOVE ME see how I LOVE THEM.  There’s nothing I don’t know about you and every person ever made created by MY HANDS.  Oh many think this lies and junk; are proud and want no part of ME.  BUT they don’t choose the end of things, it’s written by MY HAND.  I have determined all life spans and no one changes them.  I AM the creator and giver of life and I save and rescue too.  There’s not a hand on earth who saves without My help, design.  Most think this rot of man’s own mind, but man’s own mind can fail.  I AM the creator of the mind and ask that you seek MINE.  For I KNOW all the answers to calm your troubled souls and bring you PEACE–MYSELF.  I have you in My sights, I never look away.  I’ve watched you as you live and breathe it all comes straight from ME.  I AM Waiting here with you, hoping you’ll see that it is ME you seek in all this race you call your life.  There’s peace and joy and exponential life awaiting all who come to ME for life.  Believe that I AM HE and follow ME.  All I ask is for you to believe I LOVE YOU.  I DO!  I made you for ME.  That’s why nothing and no one fills the gaping holes inside that life creates from birth.  You are perfectly wonderfully made inside and life attacks at birth.  It was not so in the beginning.  That’s why I came to pay the price for you and all who’ve lived.  There’s no one here could rescue save from what sin’s curse brought to.  It was My plan has always been, I will not lose MY OWN.  I seek you daily everywhere, I AM there, here, with all.  That’s why I AM GOD and you are not.  So if you know the truth and hear that I AM here for you, why do you run away from ME keep trying on your own?  The futile foolish life of man who seeks his own way best, proves out that I AM truth and life for his ends as he came.  Abundant life is yours with ME and so much more is coming.  MY KINGDOM here is full of grace and mercy for each face.  BUT OH the joys that you will have with ME eternally, if you will choose to love ME, want ME, seek ME, follow ME, Believe I AM HE.  I AM King of Kings and Lord of Lords and all realms understand this.  It doesn’t matter what man thinks–it IS, cannot be changed.  I AM GOD and there is no other.  COME and find ME all you have ever dreamed or desired.  It’s ME the missing piece.  You’ve been robbed and I restore.  Been lied to and I AM truth.  All other earthly gods, religions too were created by man to fill the hole that’s only made for ME.  In John 14:23 I promise you; I Jesus–“If anyone loves me, he will obey my teaching.  My Father will love him, and we will come to him and make our home with him.”  I repeated this in My REVELATION to John in Revelation 3:20:  “Here I AM!  I stand at the door and knock.  If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him, and he with me.”  That’s LIVING Life abundantly.  I AM revealing My self to many around the globe who truly seek the TRUTH and have been deceived by man’s evil notions, wrong directions, corruption in the earth.  I AM HERE and  I SEEK YOU.  WHY you say would I want you?  Because you are MINE, My child and I love you with a passion you will never fully understand in this place of hurt and wound.  SO get over your self, walk, climb, run to ME and find all you have ever hoped for.  TRY ME!  TEST ME!  CALL TO ME.  See if I don’t answer you in your spirit and you will know that all My words are truth and YOU ARE LOVED!

Categories: God's Messages, Hear, Know, Life, Love, Trust.

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