March 19, 2010

March 19, 2010

There’s no day too insignificant to Me. All are important, valued, needed, used, determined by My Father. All is well, though your sight may be dim at best at first, but I reveal things at the precise moment necessary for your knowledge and understanding to draw you closer into what We are doing on your behalf. There is always something happening, and nothing is amiss, though things may feel great difficulty and struggle at the moment, be still and know that WE are here and WE love you and WE are doing things you cannot see. Your trust and confidence in US and who you are is absolute. You are OUR child and no one can take you from us. You are secured into OUR very being on this day and all others. Hold on to US. We have you. There is nothing to fear. Fear robs you of joy and contentment and peace in the moment in front of you. We understand stress and sweat drops of blood crying out to Father for help. So do not fear to call out to US. We do hear and We do answer. There is nothing you do, We don’t see. We live inside you and dwell with you. Therefore, underneath your skin is God Almighty now dwelling in the hearts of men and women surrendered to ME–Jesus Christ, King of Kings, LORD of LORDS. Do not fear ME as to be afraid. Fear Me as your God and Father who knows all things in awe, not punishment. It is Finished
and you need to come freely to Me and be set FREE! COME! BELIEVE!

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